Even though you may have reached a plateau and WinAFL hasnt discovered a new path in days, you could wait a few additional hours and have a lucky strike in which WinAFL finds a new mutation. We could look at code coverage for a certain fuzzing campaign, and judge whether we are satisfied with it or not. You could say youre satisfied with your fuzzing once youve found a big vulnerability, but thats obviously a rather poor indicator of fuzzing quality. Open the input file. It has been successfully used to find a large number of In this case, we are only fuzzing whats below Header in the following diagram. Attempt at RDP loopback connection. rewritten between target function runs. This way, I can split the resulting coverage per thread, making it less cluttered. To avoid this, replace the SO_REUSEADDR option by SO_LINGER option in the server source code if available. Research By: Netanel Ben-Simon and Yoav Alon. Fuzzing the Office Ecosystem June 8, 2021 Research By: Netanel Ben-Simon and Sagi Tzadik Introduction Microsoft Office is a very commonly used software that can be found on almost any standard computer. By that, I mean that unlike the other channels, its a real state machine with proper state verification, and it is even documented. Set breakpoints atthe beginning andend ofthe function selected for fuzzing. If dissecting the payload does not yield anything, maybe its a stateful bug and youre doomed. Parse it (so that you can measure coverage of file parsing). For instance, my dictionary begins as follows: So, you have found afunction tobe fuzzed, concurrently deciphered theinput file ofthe program, created adictionary, selected arguments andfinally can start fuzzing! RDP protocol stack from Explain Like I'm 5: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) . To achieve that, I used frida-drcov.py from Lighthouse. location of your DynamoRIO cmake files (either full path or relative to the Its also useful ifyour program tries tocall afunction using GetProcAddress. Shared memory is faster and can avoid some problems with files (e.g. When using WinAFL with DynamoRIO, there are several persistence modes available for us to choose from: In-app persistence seems the most adapted to our case. You signed in with another tab or window. RDPWrap tampers with the server in order to allow local connections, and even concurrent sessions. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. You are able to reproduce the crash manually. They can add functional enhancements to an RDP session. If a program always behaves the same for the same input data, it will earn a score of 100%. "returning" via ExitProcess() and such won't work). No luck. The crash itself is not especially interesting, but I will still detail it because its a great example of stateful bug. It is opened by default. Tekirda'n gneybatsnda, Marmara Denizi kysnda kurulmutur. To improve the process startup time, WinAFL relies heavily on persistent In this article, I will address different fuzzing types and show how to use one of them, WinAFL. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. There are two functions of interest: The issue must come either from ACL, or from the handling logic. These can happen in parsing logic: in RDPSND (and similarly in many other channels), the Header includes a BodySize field which must be equal to the length of the actual PDU body. source directory). Fuzzing should entirely happen without human intervention. Basic, core functionalities of an RDP client include: However, a lot of other information can be exchanged between an RDP client and an RDP server: sound, clipboard, support for special types of hardware, etc. The initial idea was to follow up on a conference talk from Blackhat Europe 2019. Please It is a Device I/O Request PDU (0x4952) of sub-type Device Control Request (0x000e). Init, WinAFL will refuse tofuzz even ifeverything works fine: it will claim that thetarget program has crashed by timeout. Fuzzing is gambling. you are fuzzing 64-bit targets and vice versa. We can find a description of this function in an older RDP reference page: This function closes the client end of a virtual channel. I would like to thank Thalium for giving me the opportunity to work on this subject which I had a lot of fun with, and that also allowed me to skill up in Windows reverse engineering and fuzzing. Heres the interesting piece: The out-of-bounds read is quite evident: we control wFormatNo (unsigned short). I feel like attitude plays a great role in fuzzing. Also, it only works once (the payload wont work twice in the same RDP session), so the value of OutputBufferField should be premedidated we cant do small increments. Since we are covering a bigger space of PDUs, we are covering a bigger space of states. This way, I could have time to monitor which PDU was guilty and what exactly happened when it was sent. Not vital because you can always target the parent handler, except in certain cases. Let's say that our input binary has a size of 10 kB. If its not, nothing happens the message is simply ignored. Then, if the iteration produced a new path, afl-fuzz will save the log into a file. In this case, the harness just sends back the mutation it receives as it is (apart from some exceptions such as overwriting a length field, which we will talk about later). Maybe this will lead me to new findings, and even a reproducible bug.. Thetarget function must: Precompiled binaries are available inthe WinAFL repository onGitHub, but for some reason, they refuse towork onmy computer. Check a simple harness here: https://github.com/googleprojectzero/Jackalope/blob/6d92931b2cf614699e2a023254d5ee7e20f6e34b/test.cpp#L41 How tofuzz theLinux kernel, synthesize valid JPEG files without any additional information, Herpaderping and Ghosting. After experimenting with theprogram alittle bit, I find out that it takes both compressed anduncompressed files as input. Modify the -DDynamoRIO_DIR flag to point to the AFL/WinAFL work by continously sending and mutating inputs to the target program, to make it behave unexpectedly (and hopefully crash). We set a time-frame of 50 days for the entire endeavor - reverse-engineering the code, looking for potential vulnerable libraries, writing harnesses and, finally, running the fuzzer . Ofcourse, you need this value tobe somewhere inthe middle. When no more swap memory is left, the system becomes awfully slow and unresponsive, until happens what a few sources call death by swap or swap death. so that the execution jumps back to step 2. The key question is: are we satisfied with our fuzzing? Lighthouse is an IDA plugin to visualize code coverage. We can convert such a log into the Mod+Offset format that Lighthouse can read to visualize code coverage. Aside from this engaging motive, most of vulnerability research seems to be focused on Microsofts RDP server implementation. I fuzzed most of the message types referenced in the specification. Of course, on systems with a moderate amount of RAM like an employees laptop, this may be dangerous. However, ifyou (like me) prefer parsers ofproprietary file formats, thesearch engine wont help you much. receiving desktop bitmaps from the server; sending keyboard and mouse inputs to the server. In this section, I will present some of my results in a few channels that I tried to fuzz. They are especially used by developers to create extensions, but also by red teamers to exfiltrate data, bypass firewalls, etc. 2021 10.13089/JKIISC.2021.31.5.911 Keywords: Regression bug, Fuzz Testing, Directed fuzzing, Differential Fuzzing, Hybrid fuzzing. https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl/blob/master/readme_pt.md, -DUSE_COLOR=1 - color support (Windows 10 Anniversary edition or higher), -DUSE_DRSYMS=1 - Drsyms support (use symbols when available to obtain This will greatly help us develop a fuzzing harness. In-memory fuzzing implementation not only restores register context, but also writes fuzzing input at the process memory pointing PDU buffer. Sometimes theprogram gets so screwed during fuzzing that it crashes atthe preparatory WinAFL stage, andWinAFL reasonably refuses toproceed further. There are many DVCs. I suppose that this isbecause theprogram was built statically, andsome library functions adversely affect thestability. In parallel, in August 2021, researchers from CyberArk have published some work they have conducted on fuzzing RDP (Fuzzing RDP: Holding the Stick at Both Ends). Such aset offiles can besubsequently minimized using the[winafl-cmin.py](http://winafl-cmin.py) script available inthe WinAFL repository. The tool combines Theexecution must reach thepoint ofreturn from thefunction chosen for fuzzing. For instance, you can open a channel this way: All that remains is to modify WinAFL so that instead of writing mutations to a file, it sends them over TCP to our VC Server. This bug is very similar to the one I found in CLIPRDR, so I wont expand a lot. Eventually, the value of the field OutputBufferLength (DWORD) is used for a malloc call on the client (inside DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket). I resume theprogram execution andcontinue it until I see thepath tomy test file inthe list ofarguments. Then, I will talk about my setup with WinAFL and fuzzing methodology. While writing a PoC, I noticed something interesting. I open theprogram inthe debugger (usually I use x64dbg) andadd anargument tothe command line: thetest file. From this bug, we learned a golden rule of fuzzing: that it is not only about crashes. close thefile andall open handles, not change global variables, etc.). Thanksfully, Windows provides an API called the WTS API to interact with this layer, which allows us to easily open, read from and write to a channel. For instance, in the CLIPRDR channel, messages are asynchronously dispatched to their handlers, and we dont want to break thread coverage. The list ofarguments taken by this function resembles what you have already seen before. But it is very easy to let yourself get discouraged at seeing you havent had any result in weeks. The Remote Desktop Protocol stack itself is a bit complex and has several layers (with sometimes multiple layers of encryption). winafl.dll DynamoRIO client, -DINTELPT=1 - Enable Intel PT mode. If you plot the number of paths found over time, you will usually get something rather logarithmic that can look like this (this was not plotted from my fuzzing, this only serves as an illustration). Most targets will just get a 100% score, but when you see lower figures, there are several things to look at. Indeed, when naively measuring code coverage (the trace) in a multi-threaded application, other threads may interfere with the one of interest. The proportion of blocks hit in each audio function is a good indicator of quality. We cant leak much information remotely. I want to know which modules or functions does parsing the file formats like RTF,.DOCX,.DOC etc.. When WinAFL finds a crash, the only thing it pretty much does is save the mutation in the crashes/ folder, under a name such as id_000000_00_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. Blind fuzzing vs Guided fuzzing. The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 7- How to detect when a PDF finished loading. So lets dive into how RDP works and see for ourselves! AFL/WinAFL work by continously sending and mutating inputs to the target program, to make it behave unexpectedly (and hopefully crash). The custom mutator should invoke common_fuzz_stuff to run and make WinAFL aware of each new test case. WinAFL will save all the basic blocks encountered at each fuzzing iteration in a temporary buffer (in the thread of interest). Send the same Wave PDU than in step 2: since, If we are performing mixed message type fuzzing, a lot of our. -H option in the previous section is used to trigger target function for the first time when performing in-memory fuzzing. Introduction II. This means we probably wont be able to find a lot of stateful bugs, if a PDU in a sequence triggers the channel closing. In summary, we make the following contributions: We identied the major challenges of fuzzing closed-source Windows applications; Salk Bakanl, Tekirda'n Sleymanpaa plajlar, arky Plajlar, Marmara Erelisi plajlar ve Saray plajlarnda deniz suyu analiz sonularn yaynlad. DRDYNVC is really banned from being opened through the WTS API! We technically have everything we need to start WinAFL. When thenumber ofsuch iterations reaches some maximum (you determine it yourself), WinAFL restarts theprogram. Here are the results after just three days of fuzzing: Here are the results after just three days of fuzzing: Therefore, we will use DynamoRIO, a well-known dynamic binary instrumentation framework. Mutations are repeatedly performed on samples which must initially come from what we call a corpus. Therefore, CVEs in the RDP client are more scarce, even though the attack surface is as large as the servers. By setting up a malicious RDP server to which they would connect, you could hack them back, assuming you found a vulnerability in the RDP client. Your target runs normally until your target function is reached. Mutations are repeatedly performed on samples which must initially come from what we call a corpus. And thefirst minutes offuzzing bring first crashes! if you want a 64-bit build). WinAFL (Ivan Fratric) Network fuzzing. This information goes through what Microsoft call Virtual Channels. However, it still accounts for a remote system-wide denial of service for target clients with around 4 GB of RAM on their system. Since I am just looking for afunction tofuzz, I have tokeep inmind that it must take thepath tothe input file, do something with this file, andterminate as neatly as possible. Now that weve chosen our target, where do we begin? 2021-07-23 Microsoft started reviewing and reproducing. That are 81920 required executions for the deterministic stage (only for bitflip 1/1)! 2021-07-28 FreeRDP released version 2.4.0 of the client and published. To see the supported instrumentation flags, please refer to the documentation Writing an undetectable keylogger in C#, What data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft and how to stop it. You cannot tell WinAFL to have constraints on your mutations, such as these two bytes should reflect the length of this buffer. Inaddition, there must bethe phrase: Everything appears to be running normally. -target_offset from -target_method). Obviously, its less impressive on a client than on a server, but its still nastier than your usual mere crash. 2021-07-30 Microsoft assessed the CLIPRDR malloc DoS bug as low-severity and closed the case. Moving up thecall stack, I locate thevery first function that takes thepath tothe test file as input. V. Pham, M. Bhme, and A. Roychoudhury, "AFLNET: a greybox fuzzer for network protocols," in Proceedings of . Otherwise, WinAFL would instrument numerous library functions. Strings or magic numbers from the specification can also help. What are the variou. DynamoRIO provides an API to deal with black-box targets, which WinAFL can use to instrument our target binary (in particular, monitor code coverage at run time). The client will save this list of formats in this->savedAudioFormats. Gneybatsnda, Marmara Denizi kysnda kurulmutur each audio function is reached these two bytes should reflect length! Convert such a log into the Mod+Offset format that Lighthouse can read to visualize code coverage not global. Produced a new path, afl-fuzz will save the log into the Mod+Offset format that Lighthouse can to. Types referenced in the thread of interest: the out-of-bounds read is quite evident: we Control wFormatNo unsigned... So lets dive into How RDP works and see for ourselves especially by... 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