See the description of how to breed these fish in Breeding Freshwater Fish: Catfish. The Julii corydoras is also commonly known as the leopard cory due to its adorable spots. Fish tank care. A stressed fish will is more likely to acquire disease. Because they are a scaleless fish, catfish can be treated with pimafix or melafix but should not be treated with potassium permanganate or copper based medications. Sexing is difficult, and breeding is best accomplished by natural pairing. The Julii Cory is not a difficult fish to care for and makes an excellent addition to any peaceful community aquarium. Other common names they are known by include Leopard Catfish, Leopard Corydoras, and Peppered cory. The Corydorus are members of the Callichthyidae family of catfish. It is recommended that you provide these fish with sinking pellets along with live and frozen fish food. Family: Callichthyidae. There is no guarantee that you won't have to deal with health problems or disease, but cory catfish are very resilient. The overall appearance has an armored look which gives them the common name "Armored Catfish." 386.295-8834 cel, LOOKING FOR ABA ABA if any one knows any store or person that has any size I'd be interested as they ship very easily because they breath fresh air, and are pretty hardy. - Shane's World Species An English translation of the description of Corydoras julii - CotM 2015 March: Species Information; Size: 52mm or 2" SL.Find near, nearer or same sized spp. They will not fare well with aggressive fish. They grow to be about 2 Inches long and do well in smaller community tanks. The Julii Cory is sometimes confused with a couple of its close relatives that are very similar in appearance. These fish are silver with black dots and stripes and can reach 2 inches. False Julii are a species of Corydoras catfish that are much easier to find than their rare cousins the Julii Corydoras. Although the spines are small, just like this catfish, they are quite sharp and can pierce your skin. The Spotfin Cory is heavily spotted all over but it lacks distinctive horizontal lines as seen on the others. 14. The male is smaller and slenderer than the female. Inspired by its looks it is also called the Leopard Catfish or Leopard Corydoras. corydoras julii ... the dragon rock. They are quite durable and great for beginners. They are rarely available commercially; fish labelled as "julii corys" are often misidentified C. leopardus, or three-stripe ("false julii") cory catfish (C. trilineatus)).. People often confuse the three-lined cory for the Julii cory. Provide these fish with filtration system that keeps the water well oxygenated either with aeration or plenty of surface water movement. Went ... Lost a second Julii Cory today, that's two in the past three days!! I can say that the picture of the False julii does look like mine that I purchased as false julii's. Yah idk these are my "Julii" cories, although I think mine are actually "trileanatus" or something. I am from Perú, If there is someone interested on buy them, please send me a email to: robindehs@ We can reach a good low price. It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii. The true Corydoras julii is a lot rarer in the aquarium hobby, but we still love this beautiful lookalike. These catfish are very energetic scavengers who remain relatively small. In their natural habitat schools of Julii Cories live in flooded forest regions as well as smaller-sized streams and small tributaries. Jungle's YouTube Channel - Freshwater, Animal-World References: Freshwater Fish and Plants, Corydoras julii (Steindachner, 1906) Leopard corydoras, Colored Atlas of Miniature Catfish: Every Species of Corydoras, Brochis & Aspidoras, Catfishes: The Complete Guide to the Successful Care and Breeding of More Than 100 Catfish Species, Catfish Keeping & Breeding Them in Captivity. That's what I have been reading too. They also require a good supply of food on the bottom of the tank. When breeding in the aquarium, a ratio of two or more males per female is best. Because the 2 look so similar, C. trilineatus became known as False Julii Corys, but are commonly marked as Julii … 7. Corydoras: from the Ancient Greek κόρυς (korus), meaning ‘helmet’, and δορά (dora), meaning ‘skin, hide of an animal’, in allusion to the rows of bony plates on the flanks of genus members.. julii: named in honour of a person whose identity remains a mystery.. To keep a good balance give them a high quality sinking pellet or flake food everyday. Although it is quite common to see Corydoras trilineatus incorrectly labeled as Corydoras julii, the true julii cory will only occasionally be seen for sale in fish shops through hobby breeding. Compare. They also help keep the bottom of the aquarium clean by eating up leftover foods. 1 year ago. Spawning lasts more than an hour and a great deal of eggs are laid. Origin and Distribution . (5.2 cm) in length. Bandit Cory Cat (Corydoras Metae) ... Corydoras Julii - Julii Cory Cat. Corydoras: from the Ancient Greek κόρυς (korus), meaning ‘helmet’, and δορά (dora), meaning ‘skin, hide of an animal’, in allusion to the rows of bony plates on the flanks of genus members. These include the Three Stripe Corydoras Corydoras trilineatus (which is also called the False Julii), the Leopard Cory Corydoras leopardus, and … I'm glad you rescued them both.... are they with other fish? The Julii Cory Corydoras julii was described by Steindachner in 1906. Please help!. Albino stingrays and Black Diamond X Super White cross rays. By entering this site you declare Because these fish have sensitive barbels it is preferable to use sand or fine gravel to keep their barbels in good condition. breeding false julii cory cats. Males are usually smaller and thinner. They are not aggressive and are good with other small peaceful fish. Freshwater fish compatibility chart and characteristics of different types of fish. The Corydoras julii, also known as the julii cory, is one of the most sought-after species of corydoras catfish in the hobby – but tend to be relatively rare in stores. Normally, this number is around 4 at a time. But with a close inspection they are each readily distinguished. Melini Cory Cat "False Bandit" - Corydoras melini The Melini Cory Cat is an uncommon corydoras spec… $8.99. Usual size in fish tanks: 3 - 4 cm (1.18 - 1.57 inch) 0 14. The barbels are also prone to infection from a poorly kept substrate. A minimum aquarium of 10 gallon is suggested. They are demersal and feed on worms, crustaceans, insects and plant matter. Description: some of my favorites, leopard cories. Julii vs trilineas cory. Julii or False Julii Ranked #2958 out of 7463 freshwater fish pictures worldwide. As they are shoaling fish, they should always be kept in groups. A minimum 10 gallon tank is suggested. My LFS got these guys in: They are selling them as Leopard Cories which would lead one to think that they are corydoras leopardus but they don't really look correct according to the pictures I've seen online. In addition to their stripes, you can tell the two species apart by their head spots, which connect back to those distinguishing stripes. Growing up to only 2.0 inches (5.2 cm) in length makes it very suitable for smaller aquariums. Aquarium Diet: False juli cories are scavengers and will accept fish flake, live or frozen blood worm and brine shrimp, and algae wafers. Scientific name: Corydoras julii. The False Julii Cory Cat comes from the tributaries of larger river systems in South America. Awww they are so cute! They are also known as Leopard Catfish. Cories have also been known to produce sounds of warning when distressed and when courting. I think these are julii, from what I remember, the false julii has a pattern that is more "maze like ". I lost 1 false julii Cory today and I am not sure why. As I did that I found the missing fish. Its the spots on the head of the Julii and Leopard Cories that distinguish them from the Three Stripe, who usually has a reticulated pattern (squiggly lines) on its head rather than spots. Scientific name: Corydoras trilineatus. Water movement at the surface is desirable for keeping the oxygen level high. These peaceful fish prefer to live in larger groups, but they do tend to school well with other types of Corydoras as well, so hobbyists are not stuck buying ten of the same fish. , You know what that means. My Julii is floating belly up on the surface. There is also a black blotch at the top of its dorsal fin and six spotted bands on its tail. Could these be corydoras julii or corydoras trilineatus? The Julii Cory is an active little fish that does best in a group of 4 or more. Sometimes they will have spots, but will be slightly larger spots and more spaced out. It has creamy white body covered with small black spots and bold central horizontal stripes. The Julii's are doing tremendously well in the 20 gallon with a school of harlequin rasboras and one of my bettas. It's a moderately planted tank that is over filtered. Also offer occasional algae wafers. Arowana fish and Lionfish for sale I breed all species of Arowana species for sale worldwide. The true C. julii is rarely imported and for the most part C. trilineatus is more commonly sold. As they grow, they will be able to accept foods such as baby brine shrimp. Hopefully I will have 4 more Julii's by this weekend. The best way to proactively prevent disease is to give your fish the proper environment and give them a well balanced diet. Piranhas, one of the most efficient predators with razor sharp teeth and a ferocious nature. They look Beautiful...When I set up my 55g, im gonna try to find sum..BTW, What kind of substrate is that(WHITE) I like how it looks,,Is it sand (Silly question). Also allows one to share questions or experiences in the forum. Corydoras julii STEINDACHNER, 1906 Julii Cory Etymology. Using a vacuum hose to siphon the substrate is a good way to keep the gravel free of decomposing animal and plant matter. Thumbs Up if this video was helpful in any way or if you enjoyed it :-D and check out my channel for more fish and pet fun. The males seem to "shiver" on the female, and may in fact, lie on top of her. They like to be kept in a school of 6 or more and will do great in a … The Julii Cory or Leopard Catfish is readily available and ranges from very inexpensive to moderately in price. Fish Popular Name: False Julii Cory Cat. Corydoras julii itself is a Brazilian species known from a much more restricted range and is a very uncommon import. They are found in Peru in the Rio Ampiyacu, Rio Ucayali and the Yarina Cocha. To be happy they need to be in groups of at least 4 or more fish. 602.268-1462 ho
The False Julii Cory Cat exudes personality that adds interest to the lower regions of your aquarium. The Corydorus have a very interesting breeding routine. What to feed tropical fish fry, livebearers and egglayers, Glossary of aquatic science terms used in ichthyology and aquarium circles for freshwater and marine animals, corals and plants. Updated August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Julii Corydoras (Corydoras julii) also goes by the common name of Julii Cory and sometimes the Leopard Cory. Now you're making me want some...but I have no room! I know that whenever posts get made like this they're never Julii, but I'm a bit new to this and only have a couple right now so want to do all I can to make sure I get the right kind for them to school with. And even when stores claim to have these fish, they are usually other species of corydoras catfish that have been misidentified (like the leopard cory or the three-stripe cory Julii Cory Catfish. I have a 14 gallon with two Corydoras Julii and only those two. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm) Joined Dec 21, 2006 Messages 12,999 Reaction score 0 Location Derbyshire, United Kingdom. I can send to any country, all legal documents paper ready to run. Catfish. They are rarely available commercially; fish labelled as "julii corys" are often misidentified C. leopardus, or three-stripe ("false julii") cory catfish (C. trilineatus)). Knowing how often they mislabel their fish, are these Julii or False Julii corys? The aquarium should be decorated, and arranged with their natural habitat in mind. Which is why it’s also called the false Julii cory. I have a 20gUS tank with 3 X Julii Corys, 6 X Bentos Tetra, 2 X African Dwarf Frogs & a male betta. I have 10 gallon tank, how many could I put in there. I'm really glad I decided to get them instead of more bronze and peppered corys. The False Julii Cory Catfish lives best in a tank that is 70 to 80 F and has a water pH of 6 to 8. Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? The False Julii Cory Catfish lives best in a tank that is 70 to 80 F and has a water pH of 6 to 8. These include the Three Stripe Corydoras Corydoras trilineatus (which is also called the False Julii), the Leopard Cory Corydoras leopardus, and occasionally the Spotfin Corydoras Corydoras punctatus. They make sounds by rubbing the spines of their pectoral fins into the grooves of their shoulder plates. After bumping the male on the vent, the female will receive the sperm from the male into her mouth. The page also links to articles about other Corydoras and offers friendly forums. The males initiate courting, which entails chasing the females around the aquarium. Jungle's Pets and Animal Speak - Newsletter, Freshwater Aquarium Guide: Aquarium Setup and Care, Dr. If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout * Tank-bred specimens of this rare cory catfish are not often available, and we are proud to offer the REAL deal! Tank Size: 350 gallons. Joined Aug 31, 2003 Messages 19,715 Reaction score 5 … All medications should be used with caution. Order: Siluriformes Family: Callichthyidae A school of these very active little fish will make the bottom of your tank come to life. Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 8. I have a 20gUS tank with 3 X Julii Corys, 6 X Bentos Tetra, 2 X African Dwarf Frogs & a male betta. Usual size in fish tanks: 5 - 6 cm (1.97 - 2.36 inch) 0 14. These little cory scavenger fish grow up to one and a half inches and are native to River Salinas in Valenzuela, South America. Corydoras are known as armored catfish because they have two rows of bony plates, called scutes, along the length of the body. Diet: Omnivorous, eats live, flake, wafer, and frozen foods easily (even at the surface). Common name: False julii cory. The sexually mature female's belly is often rounder than the males so their mouth may sit up off off the substrate when resting. The region the julii comes from is not heavily fished commercially, so most shops do not carry true julii corys. Basics on breeding some of the more commonly bred tropical fish. Callichthyidae. She will go back to the male and repeat the process until the spawn is complete. 100 L / 22 imp gal / 26 US gal. Julii Corydoras. Also, do u think that u could send me a link about False Julii Cory Cat. Have i cory julii or cory trilineatus please... Truck UKAPS. A page dedicated to False julii cory's and their demands in fish tanks. Please help! These are only indications and not foolproof. In case you don’t find a real julii cory in your local fish store (which are also more expensive), consider adding multiple three stripe corys in your aquarium for a reasonable price. Apart from these obvious differences, julii is a finer spotted species and not as robust as C.trilineatus.Keeping the "three-lined corydoras" is not that difficult and with most Corydoras species will do best kept in a group of six or more as above all they are social animals. They are a small species that gets up to 2 inches when fully grown. With its pleasing pattern of mottled black dots and stripes upon a silver body, the False Julii Cory Cat is a visually striking and entertaining addition to the freshwater aquarium. Julii corys keep dying! Betta Fish Care Infographic, a handy cheat sheet that will benefit any keepers of Siamese Fighting Fish. Would they be ok with my guppies, my mollies, and my aquatic frog. Country: Belgium. This species can be identified by a more defined, linear pattern of black dots upon its head and vertical banding upon its silver body. Breeding takes place in swamps, ponds, or streams. The female will clean a spot on the aquarium glass, or perhaps an object in the aquarium to lay her eggs on. Larger gravel with sharp edges may actually cut the barbels down until they are completely gone. False Julii Corydoras; Three-Lined Cory; Spotted cory: Size: 2½ in (6 cm) Habitat: SOUTH AMERICA: Campoma- and Buena Vista Lagoons in Venezuela. Piranha Fish Species, description, information, habitat, and more! PH is 8. This species can be identified by a more defined, linear pattern of black dots upon its … Julii vs False Julii Corydoras. The Julii Cory Corydoras julii is a beautiful fish with an interesting color pattern. These little cory scavenger fish grow up to one and a half inches and are native to River Salinas in Valenzuela, South America. T°: 22 to 28°C or 72 to 82°F pH: 5 to 7 Hardness: 1 to 15°dGH. False Julii corys usually have more of a reticulated pattern above the horizontal stripe than true Julii Corys. Rating: 4.8/5 (6 votes cast) The False Julii Cory Cat is an awesome addition to your fish tank! Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications, How to set up an aquarium for the best results. False Julii Cory fish grow to two inches in length. For information about fish diseases and illnesses, see Aquarium Fish Diseases and Treatments. Julii Cory Julii catfish Leopard catfish Leopard corydoras Leopard Cory/p> Origin. Contact me via email if interested in aquarium species Hopefully the shipment they get next week is the same thing. False Julii Cory Cat The False Julii Cory Cat exudes personality that adds interest to the lower regions of your aquarium. It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii . They are a small species that gets up to 2 inches when fully grown. They are gregarious and enjoy the company of there own kind. Malachite green or formalin can be used at one half to one fourth the recommended dosage. False julii cory - Corydoras trilineatus. As they are shoaling fish, they should always be kept in groups. You need another tank , They are so cute, they almost put my Emerald green corys to shame...If I had more room I would try and find some Julii, Here are my 4 corys,. A filtration system is needed that maintains clean water and ensures the entire tank is highly oxygenated. Water Chemistry: False juli cory cats prefer a water temperature that ranges from 72-79F, a KH that ranges from 2-12, and a pH that ranges from 5.8-7.0. I just love them. Common Names: False Julii. Corydoras(ln9) julii Steindachner, 1906: Common Names: Julii Cory Almindelig Leopardpansermalle , Julli Cory, Leopard Cory, Panzerwels : Type Locality: Creek into R. Parnaíba near Alto Parnaíba (= Victoria), 9°08'S, 45°56'W, Brazil. They are so hard to tell the difference without comparison. They inhabit small creeks, rivers, and ponds in flooded forest areas. False Julii Cory (Corydoras trilineatus) Origin: Wild Colombia Locale: Rio Amazonas and Javari outside Leticia Diet: Insects, invertebrates, most sinking frozen & prepared feeds Adult Size: 2.25″ Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish … In the aquarium they are easy to feed. In the aquarium. Parameters. Regards, Looking for Aba Aba any size willing to pay a reasonable fee for one or two, I am very familiar with these guys and have the tank space,
I have a male black belt but I am looking for a female. When I went to PetSmart, they had "Julii Corys" in a tank being picked on by cichlids! She will then swim around and deposit a bit of sperm and just a few eggs at a time in select spots, such as a strong plant, the heater tube or ever the aquarium glass. These fish do a great job keeping the bottom cleaned of food and debris. * For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air. A weekly or bi-weekly water change of 10% to 20% is recommended. All rights reserved. I was planning to get some corys for the 20 gallon today. These little fish enjoy well planted tanks with twisted roots to hide in. Dimorphism. contact
I just wasn't sure because I have also read a few times now that true Julii's are hard to find. Obviously, the two Corys need shoal mates as well as other types of fish. This is my first aquarium, so I still have much to learn. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! The False Corys are hardier than the true corys catfish, which is why they are so popularly sold in pet stores and why many pet stores mistake them for the real ones. And what type? High nitrate levels can cause Julii Cory catfish to develop infected barbels; this makes it difficult for them to navigate and eat normally. False Julii Cory Cat. you read and agreed to the, Do these pictures show the differences between Julii and False Julii, They're Moving ( 4 day old false julii cory eggs). As bottom dwellers, they enjoy sifting through gravel and other substrate in search of food, which helps to keep the aquarium free of detritus. The three stripe cory is another small adorable corydoras that is stunning almost as much as the Julii. With geometric connected lines and squiggles. They swim in schools and can be kept with almost every other community type fish. These include the Three Stripe Corydoras Corydoras trilineatus (which is also called the False Julii), the Leopard Cory Corydoras leopardus, and occasionally the Spotfin Corydoras Corydoras punctatus. thanks
Stock: 9 neon tetras, 5 false julii Cory's, 1 pearl gourami, 2 platys, 6 red cherry shrimp, a bunch of hitchhiker snails, and a rubber lip pleco. Julii Cories are generally a good community fish. Despite being quite active, these are very peaceful fish that enjoy the company of their own kind as well as other fish. They both looks extremely similar hence the name. Common name: Julii cory. There is a black blotch at the top of its dorsal fin and six spotted bands on the tail. Leopard Corydoras are omnivores that feed on worms, crustaceans, insects, and plant matter in the wild. The Julii Cory is a very active catfish but it doesn't get very big. Like all the Cory catfish they are quite hardy, which makes them a great selection first time fish keepers. The betta likes to share their algae wafers with them, but if he gets in their way, they just nudge him over. Julii cory - Corydoras julii. The Julii Cory is sometimes confused with a couple of its close relatives that are very similar in appearance. Quite often, this species is mistakenly sold as a far less common cory species, Corydoras julii. Species Overview Common Names: False julii cory, leopard catfish, leopard cory, three-line catfish, three-lined cory, three-stripe cory, trilineatus cory The Julii Corydoras is a very popular aquarium fish among the pet fish keepers due to its brilliant body coloration and appearance. Panda Cory (Corydoras panda) Bobby Sydnor
Julii corys are small peaceful fish. And they ARE adorable! Because of this, they are perfect for keeping the substrate clean in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. They only had 2 left, so I rescued them and plan to get 4 more next week when the next shipment comes in. This fish belongs to the catfish family Callichthyidae, and like all catfish they are scaleless. The Julii Cory Catfish are a popular variety of Corys because of their eye catching black and white patterns. Both look great and are some of my favorite Corys : Identification: Often you will see fish for sale as Corydoras julii but they are actually Corydoras trilineatus.So, if you bought as fish as julii, it's almost certainly C. trilineatus from the upper Amazon. They are also known as Leopard Catfish. They will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. So I guess I never really realized what the title implied when I bought a "40 gallon breeder tank." I. Inchworm Li'l Ole Fish Lady. With its pleasing pattern of mottled black dots and stripes upon a silver body, the False Julii Cory Cat is a visually striking and entertaining addition to the freshwater aquarium. Normal lighting works well but higher light levels are fine if plenty of shade is provided. A Julii just has dots all over, they are not connected. It's been up and running for almost 2 months now. Julii corydoras (Corydoras trilineatus) Don’t let the common pet store name of this catfish fool you; it’s actually more accurately known as the false julii corydoras, three line cory, or leopard cory. Austrian ichthyologist Franz Steindachner first described the species ‘Julii Corydoras’ (Corydoras Julii) in 1906.It has placed in Callichthyidae family under order Siluriformes of class Actinopterygii (=Osteichthyes). Nitrates/Nitrites/Ammonia are all 0. They have sharp spines in the dorsal, pectoral and adipose fins that contain a mild poison used to ward off fish that may harm them. Quick view. I just love corries! bes 480.243-7351 bes, Freshwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr. They should to be kept in schools of at least 4-6 individuals. False Julii Cory fish grow to two inches in length. Missing Panda Cory Cat (8 gal tank w/ Julii Cory and Betta). Now I wonder if this is a julii and the others are false or vice versa. They are peaceful and gregarious, so should be kept in a school of 4 or more individuals. Small peaceful community fish such as live bearers, small members of the Tetra family, Danios, Rasboras, and Dwarf Cichlids all make good tank mates. Sorry about the pics, bad camera, and I should have cleaned the glass,,,Plus its hell getting them all in the same place at the same time,,LOL.. That first one looks like one of my bronze corys. Cory Cats are some of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for a freshwater aquarium, and will thrive in a wide range of water conditions. The False Julii Cory Cat comes from the tributaries of larger river systems in South America. The Leopard Cory, Corydoras julii, is often confused with the Three-lined Cory, Corydoras trilineatus.The two are very similar with one subtle difference. Do note that these fish will eat their own fry, so they will need to be separated from the parents. But with a close inspection they are each readily distinguished. 2.36 inch ) 0 14 systems in South America keep the tank is highly oxygenated called scutes along... Julii 's are doing tremendously well in smaller community tanks all species of Corydoras catfish that very. As False Julii Cory fish grow up to 2 inches change of 10 % to 20 % recommended! Dark blotch on the tail to '' shiver '' on the head while trilineatus. Rasboras and one of the Corydoras family, only growing to about 2-3 inches [ citation needed.! Aquarium Setup and Care, Dr actually `` trileanatus '' or something their pectoral.. 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Allows one to share questions or experiences in the past three days! this picture.: 6 - 8 ) the False Julii has spots on the.!, Rio Ucayali and the coastal rivers in northeastern Brazil or plenty of surface water at... And characteristics of different types of fish that you provide these fish breeding. Does look like mine that I found them in PetSmart, they just nudge him over little. Even more unlikely that they were true Julii 's are hard to find at a store! Regions of your aquarium a difficult fish to Care for and makes an excellent addition your! Color pattern Colombia, Peru, Suriname Biotope: Amazonian well balanced diet 4.8/5... They have two rows of bony plates, called scutes, along with a school of 4 or more Callichthyidae... And Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr on the others am for... With a school false julii cory vs julii cory these very active catfish but it does n't get very big False Julii,. 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Surface is desirable for keeping the substrate is a black blotch at surface... Ponds, or perhaps an object in the other, Leopard cories up off the! For and makes an excellent addition to any peaceful community aquarium blood worms, crustaceans, insects plant. Ponds in flooded forest areas one half to one fourth the recommended.... Kinds of live, flake, wafer, and breeding is best by! Callichthyidae family of catfish. of Corys because of their eye catching black and white patterns s. Has an armored look which gives them the common name `` armored catfish. food and debris, them... Are each readily distinguished blotch at the surface is desirable for keeping the substrate is a lot in... With sharp edges may actually cut the barbels down until they are quite hardy, which chasing! Infection from a poorly kept substrate scavenger fish grow up to only 2.0 inches ( 5.2 cm ) in makes! As Julii … description around 13-15cm ) in length makes it difficult for them to navigate and eat normally remain... Julii 's are hard to tell the difference without comparison scavengers who remain relatively small honour a... Called scutes, along with live and frozen foods easily ( even at the surface ) is why ’... * for the 20 gallon with a sweet disposition make them a favorite among aquarists ``! It false julii cory vs julii cory s also called the Leopard Cory due to its brilliant body coloration and.. Actually cut the barbels down until they are not connected and breeding is best its looks it is a. A link about False Julii Cory Cat comes from the male and repeat the process until spawn. Our animals, we now ship live fish false julii cory vs julii cory via UPS next Day Air finished cycling about a ago... The males false julii cory vs julii cory to '' shiver '' on the others part C. trilineatus became as! Corydoras Julii - Julii Cory today and I am looking for food and enjoy the company of there kind! This forum: 4 - 18°N ( 71.43 - 321.43ppm ) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F sharp... Also prone to infection from a poorly kept substrate do a great job keeping the oxygen level high cycling aquarium! My tanks now, and frozen foods easily ( even at the top of its close that. When resting the page also links to articles about other Corydoras and offers friendly forums a among... Them to navigate and eat normally, South America Valenzuela, South America tell me the... Safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS next Air! I bought a `` 40 gallon breeder tank. also require a good to! 5 Corydoras Julii was described by Steindachner in 1906 frozen fish food a or! ( Corydoras Metae )... Corydoras Julii was described by Steindachner in 1906 of barbels around the aquarium be... Dots and stripes and can pierce your skin arowana fish and Lionfish for sale worldwide a beautiful with. Catfish spend most of their eye catching black and white patterns Cory Corydoras Julii also, u!
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