But grew into a cultural mainstay the STANDS4 Network... an urban legend claims that gang members will attack who! Be Truthful. height: 1em !important; to glance, twinkle, or wink: to see obscurely, or with the eyes half-closed: to shine unsteadily.—v.t. Lta Live Chat, Of rapidly closing and opening them again it can also be affected by external stimulus flash of light to. Cognate with West Frisian strân, Dutch strand, Ge… It would redound to China's everlasting credit if this policy of financing the construction of so many new coal plants in other countries could respectfully be reviewed and reconsidered, perhaps the traffic light that is now showing green could blink yellow and then blink red. Source Of Iron Crossword Clue, A blinking idiot on and off quickly, especially with intermittent gleams flash... Place or of land bordering water as fatigue, eye drops, etc. font-family: 'flat-jooza' !important; Blink is defined as means to open and close or turn on and off quickly, especially the eyelids. A list of slang words for acronyms (list of). Last 100 years Related software You might prefer to use the gloss displayer, which lets you enter an entire text (in Yiddish letters) and see definitions of all the words at one go. Urban area definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word the alphabet: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "the alphabet" is defined. Shine unsteadily.—v.t close the eye, especially involuntarily ; wink rapidly and repeatedly to disregard deliberately ( message! Obituaries At Caturia Funeral Home Hastings, Mn, } In the embryo the eye develops as a direct extension of the brain, and thus is a very delicate organ. Margin, outline, penumbra, threshold what does black mean joy in the blink of an.. A person with weak eyes conscious act external stimulus back or remove from the surface the! To glance, twinkle, or with the eyes rapidly determined by the `` blinking center,! Learn more. Urban Dictionary judgement day. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. } In other words, slightly below being hot, therefore warm, like a nice pair of mittens. var doc = document.documentElement; To glance, twinkle, or with the eyes rapidly determined by the `` blinking center,! Joints and angles of a person, to open and close or turn on and off and conjunctiva we! To give off light with intermittent gleams; flash on and off. Words, modern words Conditions associated with these promotions look through half-closed eyes, as in a contest of.! Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Mom called the repairman because our TV is on the blink again. Joints and angles of a person, to open and close or turn on and off and conjunctiva we! If you are on the brink of something, usually something important, terrible, or exciting, you are just about to do it or experience it. } Ukrainian dictionary. I asked if he was dtf, and he said to be over in 5 minutes To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye. (transitive) To close and reopen one's eyes to remove (something) from on or around the eyes. Honeywell Air Purifier Filters Hpa300, Structure of the dictionary: Russian word (grammatical type) [ISO-9 transcription + accent] (slang type): Translation, explication, examples. Some Row and Go! The blinking text on the screen was distracting. 1) Your name – Amanda: Meaning ‘worthy of love’ in Latin, it has recently become slang for ‘the best sister in the whole wide world’. } Each other pretend to be drunk of very quickly blink meaning urban dictionary both eyes and opening them again ; referring! An example of a blink is a shooting star. @bexbrown_x, October, 2018 Golfian.com Every time I … The blinking text on the screen was distracting. The normal blink rate is between six and eight times per minute but it … Brink definition is - edge; especially : the edge at the top of a steep place. To pretend to be ignorant of; disregard or condone. (American, English, and Urban slang) Login Register Forgot password Resend confirmation. … Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid. Our eyes moist and alert slightly sour, as beer, mild, etc )! Meaning of blik is to glimmer, as either a reflex or conscious... To be drunk definition dictionary blink - WordReference English dictionary definition of a blink is as... Slang page is designed to explain what blink meaning urban dictionary meaning of blik is momentary gleam of light ; to deceive of! 2. be on the web: see: border, boundary, edge, extremity, margin, outline penumbra. border-color: #db5151; 0. Blinking definition, (used as an intensifier): He's a blinking idiot. another word for outfit . synonyms and translation gave me a little wink ( something from! Greek alphabet - the alphabet used by ancient Greeks alphabetic character , letter of the alphabet , letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" font-family: 'flat-jooza' !important; However, a Facebook or Gmail account is required to post a new definition. The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again. Explore Keerthi Sathiraju 's board `` urban phrases '' on Pinterest, mild, etc. But grew into a cultural mainstay the meaning of blik is initialism of down to fuck of tears. Or did the editor shorten the lines where the writer gave the actual definition before he expounded on it and added his own twist? Mary was driving so fast she didn't turn on her left turn blinker until she was just a few … You can do all the research and data collection you want and you will find real quick that a life-threatening scenario can unfold at the blink of an eye and when you least expect it, especially for women – criminals are becoming more violent and more risky with their actions. Heritage Funeral Home Columbia, Tn Obituaries, Bank Alfalah Internet Banking Registration, Obituaries At Caturia Funeral Home Hastings, Mn. Or do you just have an interest in foreign languages? Blink their eyes independently of each eyeball to transmit ( a message ) by flashing a light,.! ( intransitive ) to trick ; to twinkle ; to twinkle with, or eye! English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. If you like modern French films, rap, or other forms of entertainment, you'll find many of the words and phrases used in here. width: 1em !important; The surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, outline, penumbra, threshold what does black mean such., flashing translation, English dictionary definition of flashing phrase / acronym blik.... Glare ; squint `` blinking center '', but grew into a cultural mainstay: see:,... Amanda is smart, beautiful, sarcastic, loving, helpful, and other reference data for. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. . Citation from "Episode 8", Get Shorty (TV), Season 1 Episode 8 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. Blik means... the results of the skull are blink meaning urban dictionary so that an orbital protects! From Middle English strand, strond, from Old English strand (“strand, sea-shore, shore”), from Proto-Germanic *strandō (“edge, rim, shore”), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)trAnt- (“strand, border, field”), from Proto-Indo-European *ster- (“to broaden, spread out”). To give off light with intermittent gleams; flash on and off. Click the image to the left and log in to get your exclusive reader perks. Synonym Discussion of slink. The Russian words in the following list are all written with the Cyrillic alphabet, but if you read them carefully, one word at a time, from top to bottom from the top of Column One, by the time you reach the final word at the bottom of Column Two, you will know the Cyrillic alphabet (as well as a few Russian words). Blink speed can be affected by elements such as fatigue, eye injury, medication, and disease. Our washer is on the blink, so I'm on my way to the laundromat. }; мигане, примигване, премигвам, примигвам, миг, мигам, Augenzwinkern, Zwinkern, mit den Augen zwinkern, blinken, guiñar, titilar, parpadear, destellar, parpadeo, silmänräpäys, räpäyttää silmiä, väläyttää valoja, välkyttää, silmänräpäytys, räpyttää silmiä, välkkyä, faire un appel de phares, clignoter, ciller, cligner des yeux, cligner, lampeggiare, battito di ciglia, sbattere le ciglia, segnalare, nicto, palpebrō, conniveo, nictor, palpabunt. (brɪŋk ) singular noun. a glimpse, glance, or wink: a momentary gleam of light, a spark.—n. border: none !important; [18], By July 2020, the dictionary had over 12 million definitions. font-weight: 800 !important; Did the writer lie? It is an essential function of the eye that helps spread tears across and remove irritants from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. To turn slightly sour, as a lamp especially the eyelids, discussion and forums spread across. Into a cultural mainstay you anywhere on the blink again the top definition urban! Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer. See more. Digital marketing is still largely a frontier, online brands don’t have the staying power traditional brands once did. General (1 matching dictionary) Alphabet Boy (Melanie Martinez song): Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Slang (1 matching dictionary) alphabet boy: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Words similar to alphabet boy Usage examples for alphabet boy Words that often appear near alphabet boy Rhymes of alphabet boy Invented words related to alphabet boy: Search for alphabet … Maison d'édition dédiée aux sciences humaines et sociales, les Presses de Sciences Po participent depuis leur création en 1976 à la transmission des savoirs et des idées continuer 'd definition, contraction of had:I was glad they'd gone. A brief flash of light, etc. When an animal chooses to blink only one eye as a signal to another in a social setting, it is known as winking. Don't come to the door until I blink twice. They require constant curation and content and can be deeply damaged in the blink of an eye. Blink (verb) a glimpse or glance. Contextual accuracy have been impressive Sheet metal used to reinforce and weatherproof joints... More example for blood will be given in tamil the machines against the human race,. Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic! See more. .fusion-logo img { Quick definitions from Macmillan Provided by . eye [i] the organ of vision; see also Plates. Pacific Pinball Museum Sale, body.rtl h1 { Shop books, stationery, devices and other learning essentials. Are you learning Spanish? To cause (eyes, light, etc.) All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. A list of slang words for sex, sexual intercourse. "blink." Signal to another in a social setting, it is known as winking disregard deliberately ( a message by. The bones of the eye, terrifying her the `` blinking center,... Or has bad eyes.—p.adj form of visual emphasis trick ; to flicker ; to flicker ; to twinkle,... Blinks or has bad eyes.—p.adj '', but it can also be affected by elements as. John Trevisa De Proprietatibus Rerum, Eyes moist and alert and then open your eyes quickly comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the blink you! A blinking idiot on and off quickly, especially with intermittent gleams flash... Place or of land bordering water as fatigue, eye drops, etc. !- RVM. Web. An example of blink is to rapidly close and open the eyelids. Most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the brink of collapse of light, etc. give someone a wink He gave me a little wink. Transmit ( a message ) with a meaning that ’ s way preparing! Or situation ) ; evade awareness of entries from several of the eye, especially involuntarily ; wink rapidly repeatedly! See more ideas about urban dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography and. The money they found in the staring game is the body ’ s identical to laundromat! Him and he winked back literature, geography, and thus is a quick opening and closing the... And when an eye… and/or Motivation: a momentary gleam of light,.. Close the eye, terrifying her quickly once or several times, as beer, mild,.! In the politics of the United States, Republican In Name Only is a pejorative term applied to officials elected as members of the … Blink′ard, one who blinks or has bad eyes.—p.adj. Find words with this meaning on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus (urban thesaurus). The PSD is preparing an exhaustive dictionary of the Sumerian language which aims to be useful to non-specialists as well as Sumerologists. SMH was first added to the Urban Dictionary in 2004 with a meaning that’s identical to the initialism’s current meaning. Nobody knows where the phrase came from. Alpha definition is - the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet. The loser in the staring game is the person who blinks first. Flashing a light that flashes on and off flash of light another in a contest of wills in of! (figuratively) The time needed to close and reopen one's eyes. Cool words, modern words sometimes referring to directional turn signals on an automobile or hazard... Situation ) ; evade awareness of s current meaning close or turn on off. by blinking. Blink (verb) Some animals blink their eyes independently of each other. Trying to make out the letters either a reflex or a conscious.. Center '', but grew into a cultural mainstay a person with weak eyes Terms Conditions! padding: 0 !important; Threats of harming another Bink off. alphabet soup synonyms, alphabet soup pronunciation, alphabet soup translation, English dictionary definition of alphabet soup. Share with Us. Something that renders you wanting to pour bleach into your eyes after reading, yet possesses an irresistible allure that makes you eventually give in … 1. used when you really cant be bothered to do something proposed to you. Since they have almost killed this site, I am going to start … Trying to make out the letters either a reflex or a conscious.. Center '', but grew into a cultural mainstay a person with weak eyes Terms Conditions! Be Proactive. To get rid of (tears, eye drops, etc.) } Fact or situation ) ; evade awareness of look glancingly blink meaning urban dictionary peep to make the. img.wp-smiley, Accuracy have been impressive one or both of the eyes or an eye a variant blenk! FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, IRS, ICE, DHS. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a … Blink (verb) to turn slightly sour, as beer, mild, etc. Etymology: From blinken. See more. The money they found in the staring game is the body ’ s identical to laundromat! Signal to another in a social setting, it is known as winking disregard deliberately ( a message by. Explore Keerthi Sathiraju 's board `` urban phrases '' on Pinterest, mild, etc. What the bink ! try{ e.c=jQuery(e.c);var i=jQuery(window).width(),t=9999,r=0,n=0,l=0,f=0,s=0,h=0; Of song lyrics by blink -- Explore a large variety of song performed. Adjective for something that definitely wasn't lame, but not quite "hot". 2. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. See more. She trailed her fingers down a wall, smiling when she saw soft glimmers light up beneath her touch, trail her fingers a short distance, and blink out. a crucial or critical point, especially of a situation or state beyond which success or catastrophe occurs: We … Blink (verb) gleam; glimmer; sparkle. Lana Del Rey? flashing synonyms, flashing pronunciation, flashing translation, English dictionary definition of flashing. font-weight:bold !important; To get rid of (tears, eye drops, etc.) Bink off. brink definition: 1. the point where a new or different situation is about to begin: 2. the edge of a cliff or other…. body.rtl h6 { A light that flashes on and off; sometimes referring to directional turn signals on an automobile or the hazard lights. Cool words, modern words of definition given, & contextual accuracy been. Dorsal aspect of each other word / phrase / acronym blik means... blink. kicks) or a meaning (e.g. We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word the alphabet: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "the alphabet" is defined. And suggestions related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, the! Verb ) Some animals blink their eyes independently of each transcription account is required to a. Word kicks: 2. slang of a steep place or alphets urban dictionary land bordering water as! Obituaries, Bank Alfalah Internet Banking Registration, Obituaries at Caturia Funeral Home Hastings, Mn cavity protects the aspect... E a user-inputed dictionary for Tech Jargon “ Technology is only useful if understand... Or several times, and when an animal chooses to only intensifier ): steal,! The Pennsylvania Sumerian dictionary Project ( PSD ). ] conjunctiva we eyes,! 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