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Then, I will have two bones." 100.000000 R=191 G=215 B=50 1 PROCESS C=74 M=38 Y=85 K=28 C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 153 C=35 M=92 Y=90 K=52 But he realized he had dropped his own bone which had sunk to the bottom of the stream. 40 PROCESS 100.000000 0 RGB QSBA5qxG9Ae9PpzEx48WEnghV9wdpj0k80eI5cY8pS37v7fJN7PzVp0d2kr+ZGvreppAIYKOrVVS 162 86 RGB 198 PROCESS cnUdnShAT/T8fe9BlliiQvK6og6sxAH3nN06thXmkSya2DI10fQ4mwW24FFkKDrsWDcmHTeh+Wcp 0 RGB R=84 G=0 B=0 1 Bold RGB THE DOG & BONE FOOD Ala . 100.000000 C=53 M=63 Y=68 K=49 204 RGB 100.000000 130 PROCESS RGB sKHIyJA2ZQAJ3b8seb7PV/K9prl2BpyT/BItwyoolVijAMWI+0p717HfHjFXyHmzjhlKXDEcR8k+ 73 Dimbo Regular.ttf 255 100.000000 163 RGB &̘q�1`�*��
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PROCESS 184 123 I've bought 2 gorgeous sets so far and have been thrilled with the whole process. 121 gldbMogWL5PHND/LO5sNG8z2/l6eS3vb+xlsUvJnoshaSrSTvGz/AL9VZuLD+btmLhrciQkPL9Ld 100.000000 1 204 PROCESS 79 RGB C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20 RGB C=35 M=73 Y=100 K=37 PROCESS 160 100.000000 PROCESS 166 False RGB oZYYR8W4nbmOh/tSjQNX882WialdgSz6nDELPSrOG0EOmyM0xZp1VCqF0XlX7FehByGLijCqArlT Ut72+tlJuIopFaQcCEdmVTt8R3zqBilCIu/e6wzBJpjf5heYxp97a2sd9q0DrE1xdwaXDZyr9X5U 148 So he slunk home, a bone count of zero. 143 RGB 214 PROCESS Regular He saw his own reflection. TEXAS/MEXICO NEAR BORDER - RESTAURANT - AFTERNOON The restaurant is not in the best part of town to say the least. 100.000000 RGB 100.000000 96 3qhO368hpBCOEcMRGG/fy/SWWpEvFq+IpZ5bku9P8s6mmmXEcwsruV7EXD1VrYMHChyf21Jo3Spy irsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdi RGB 184 PROCESS 72 PROCESS PROCESS 179 173 False C=90 M=0 Y=7 K=0 RGB 129 AN0s0jy/f6Pq4t7C7m/Q8zNdXAmUO7TGodTIyV+P4TWvb7zhwyxzoH0HffvRlzjJGyPUNvgpeUvJ 0 58 PROCESS PROCESS g3_u2ch1l6_l1the_dog_and_his_bone PROCESS VDHdW1wZY3gZWuObskfMok27mnFRU0CswOt8XgHAOM++vvr8dGGnlHFklxDvHMfosfL4Jtrkv5Te 165 Two teenagers at the door. For over 20 years we have created a variety of CD and online primary school maths games and resources, resulting in 8 volumes of maths games. 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