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Angry Birds - Christmas Song: Fly Me Home Tonight videoAngry Birds - Zwiastun Sprawdź nowy zwiastun Angry Birds, przedstawiający 45 z nadchodzącej puzzle form .select { link.href = window.BOOMR.url; Shopify.locale = "en"; 'ready', window.ShopifyPay.crossOriginCheck = true; The beautiful and colorful images will hold your baby’s attention even longer. window.BOOMR = window.BOOMR || {}; 'trackForm', parentNode.appendChild(link); window.ShopifyAnalytics = window.ShopifyAnalytics || {}; return; Before you know it, your baby will have the whole family singing along to five best-sellin The electronic push button on every spread triggers one of the five best-selling Christmas Songs sung by children. doc._boomrl = function() { if (document.cookie.indexOf('loggedConversion=' + window.location.pathname) !== -1) { if (window.navigator.sendBeacon(endpointUrl, blobData)) { type: 'text/plain' var parentNode = where.parentNode; eventsListenerScript.async = true; return; (Q=K,S=0):Q=o>1&&S>1&&6>R?J:P;for(;a>f;f++)if(r[f]&&!r[f]._lazyRace)if(O)if((p=r[f][i]("data-expand"))&&(m=1*p)||(m=Q),q!==m&&(y=innerWidth+m*L,D=innerHeight+m,n=-1*m,q=m),h=r[f].getBoundingClientRect(),(I=h.bottom)>=n&&(<=D&&(H=h.right)>=n*L&&(G=h.left)<=y&&(I||H||G||F)&&(d.loadHidden||"hidden"!=x(r[f],"visibility"))&&(l&&3>R&&!p&&(3>o||4>S)||U(r[f],m))){if(ba(r[f]),k=!0,R>9)break}else!k&&l&&!j&&4>R&&4>S&&o>2&&(g[0]||d.preloadAfterLoad)&&(g[0]||!p&&(I||H||G||F||"auto"!=r[f][i](d.sizesAttr)))&&(j=g[0]||r[f]);else ba(r[f]);j&&!k&&ba(j)}},W=B(V),X=function(a){s(,d.loadedClass),t(,d.loadingClass),u(,Z),v(,"lazyloaded")},Y=A(X),Z=function(a){Y({})},$=function(a,b){try{a.contentWindow.location.replace(b)}catch(c){a.src=b}},_=function(a){var b,c=a[i](d.srcsetAttr);(b=d.customMedia[a[i]("data-media")||a[i]("media")])&&a.setAttribute("media",b),c&&a.setAttribute("srcset",c)},aa=A(function(a,b,c,e,f){var g,h,j,l,o,p;(o=v(a,"lazybeforeunveil",b)).defaultPrevented||(e&&(c?s(a,d.autosizesClass):a.setAttribute("sizes",e)),h=a[i](d.srcsetAttr),g=a[i](d.srcAttr),f&&(j=a.parentNode,l=j&&n.test(j.nodeName||"")),p=b.firesLoad||"src"in a&&(h||g||l),o={target:a},p&&(u(a,T,!0),clearTimeout(m),m=k(T,2500),s(a,d.loadingClass),u(a,Z,!0)),l&&"source"),_),h?a.setAttribute("srcset",h):g&&!l&&(N.test(a.nodeName)?$(a,g):a.src=g),f&&(h||l)&&w(a,{src:g})),a._lazyRace&&delete a._lazyRace,t(a,d.lazyClass),z(function(){(!p||a.complete&&a.naturalWidth>1)&&(p?T(o):R--,X(o))},!0)}),ba=function(a){var b,c=M.test(a.nodeName),e=c&&(a[i](d.sizesAttr)||a[i]("sizes")),f="auto"==e;(!f&&l||!c||!a[i]("src")&&!a.srcset||a.complete||r(a,d.errorClass)||!r(a,d.lazyClass))&&(b=v(a,"lazyunveilread").detail,f&&E.updateElem(a,!0,a.offsetWidth),a._lazyRace=!0,R++,aa(a,b,f,e,c))},ca=function(){if(!l){if(<999)return void k(ca,999);var a=C(function(){d.loadMode=3,W()});l=!0,d.loadMode=3,W(),j("scroll",function(){3==d.loadMode&&(d.loadMode=2),a()},!0)}};return{_:function(){,c.elements=b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass),g=b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass+" "+d.preloadClass),L=d.hFac,j("scroll",W,!0),j("resize",W,!0),a.MutationObserver?new MutationObserver(W).observe(e,{childList:!0,subtree:!0,attributes:!0}):(e[h]("DOMNodeInserted",W,!0),e[h]("DOMAttrModified",W,!0),setInterval(W,999)),j("hashchange",W,!0),["focus","mouseover","click","load","transitionend","animationend","webkitAnimationEnd"].forEach(function(a){b[h](a,W,!0)}),/d$|^c/.test(b.readyState)?ca():(j("load",ca),b[h]("DOMContentLoaded",W),k(ca,2e4)),c.elements.length? } Merry Christmas Everyone (1985) – Shakin’ Stevens Shakin’ Stevens’ 1985 Christmas number one has possibly the best percussive jingle bell of any … produce: function produce(monorailDomain, schemaId, payload) { }); There’s nothing like music to get you in the holiday mood, so why not invite your toddler into the musical magic of Christmas. bootstrap(parentNode, "boomr-async"); } console.log(e); function promote() { = "boomr-scr-as"; var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; return trekkie; translation missing: en.products.notify_form.description: Notify me when this product is available: There’s nothing like music to get you in the holiday mood, so why not invite your toddler into the musical magic of Christmas. .image-element__wrap { }); context_url: window.location.href, var Monorail = { Adjusting for the degree of difficulty and the fact that Bird and the Bee stuck the landing, this may be the greatest rescue of a bad Christmas song … "monorail:\/\/trekkie_storefront_viewed_product\/1.1", translation missing: en.products.notify_form.description: Notify me when this product is available: Shoot us a message on Facebook, 24 hours a day. max-width: 1200px; parent = parent || doc.body; var dom, bootstrap, iframe, iframeStyle; var script = document.createElement('script'); }, LOADER_TIMEOUT); if (!e) e=event; iframeLoader(true); Upon this holy night, When God's great star appears, And floods the earth with brightness Birds' voices rise in song And warbling all night long Express their glad heart's lightness Birds' voices rise in song And warbling all night long Express their glad heart's lightness 2. var setCookieIfConversion = function(token) { New! first.parentNode.insertBefore(script, first); }); var jquery = null; /*! var promoted = false; (window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds||[]).push('BwiEti'); @media screen and (max-width: 750px) { window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta[attr] = meta[attr]; setCookieIfConversion(token); addListener(document.forms[i], 'submit', decorate); var key = trekkie.methods[i]; } return true; } window.BOOMR.themeId = 100551852166; }; return Monorail.sendRequest("https://" + monorailDomain + "/v1/produce", JSON.stringify(event)); link.rel = "preload"; trekkie[key] = trekkie.factory(key); match[1]: undefined; Andrew Bird began to wonder about Christmas a while ago. } else if (document.attachEvent) { if (window && window.navigator && typeof window.navigator.sendBeacon === 'function' && typeof window.Blob === 'function' && !Monorail.isIos12()) { }; iframe.src = "about:blank"; }, typeof link.relList.supports === "function" && payload: payload, The best Irish Christmas songs to get you in the holiday spirit ... Named “Curoo, Curoo” (mimicking the call of birds) or “The Carol of the Birds” this song dates back to the 1800s. window.ShopifyPay = window.ShopifyPay || {}; BOOMR_lstart = new Date().getTime(); window.BOOMR.snippetMethod = "p"; window.ShopifyPay.apiHost = "\/pay"; ]; } © 2021 Ditty Bird. }; window.BOOMR.themeName = "Turbo"; The beautiful and colorful images will hold your baby’s attention even longer. doc.close(); 1. } } return document.cookie.indexOf('loggedConversion=' + token) !== -1; .main_nav_wrapper if (jquery) { trekkie.methods = [ if (window.jQuery) { } }; The song is also performed by Big Bird and the Swedish Chef in A Muppet Family Christmas. The object of the game is to have the first player start out reciting the first verse, with each of the following players repeating previous versed and then adding one. if (trekkie.integrations) { {"currency":"USD","variantId":25010904006756,"productId":3001392267364,"productGid":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/3001392267364","name":"NEW! var s = document.createElement('script'); } else { window.addEventListener("load", boomerangSaveLoadTime, false); try { All languages like Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, English Christmas songs download […] {"pageType":"product","resourceType":"product","resourceId":3001392267364} "The Twelve Days of Christmas" (or "12 Days of Christmas") is a holiday classic — and while it may not be as catchy as some of our other favorite Christmas songs, ask … trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] window.BOOMR.snippetStart = new Date().getTime(); Ditty Bird - Instrumental Children's Songs. element.addEventListener(type, callback); window.lazySizesConfig = window.lazySizesConfig || {}; Picture: Getty On the seventh day of Christmas If whining children don't get your dander up, then the high pitched serenading by three rodents will. {"accessToken":"6f82e4cc07e67adf3cff75002075f945","betas":["rich-media-storefront-analytics"],"domain":"","predictiveSearch":true,"shopId":21053309028,"smart_payment_buttons_url":"https:\/\/\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/spb.en.js","dynamic_checkout_cart_url":"https:\/\/\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/dynamic-checkout-cart.en.js","locale":"en"} #dynamic-checkout-cart { (function () { document.addEventListener("onBoomerangLoaded", function(e) { s.type = 'text/javascript'; There’s nothing like music to get you in the holiday mood, so why not invite your toddler into the musical magic of Christmas. scriptFallback.type = 'text/javascript'; }; }; if (win.addEventListener) { !function(o){function n(){var o=[];function n(){o.push(Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments))}return n.q=o,n}var t=o.Shopify=o.Shopify||{};t.loadFeatures=n(),t.autoloadFeatures=n()}(window); function addListener(element, type, callback) { })(); Ditty Bird - United Songs of America. for (var i=0; i b;b++)e(a[b])},g=C(f);return{_:function(){a=b.getElementsByClassName(d.autosizesClass),j("resize",g)},checkElems:g,updateElem:e}}(),F=function(){F.i||(F.i=!0,E._(),D._())};return c={cfg:d,autoSizer:E,loader:D,init:F,uP:w,aC:s,rC:t,hC:r,fire:v,gW:y,rAF:z}}}); Could it be that hiddenin one of the most popular Christmas carols are pre-Christian pagan symbols linked to both numbers and birds? /*! The Eurasian Blackbird has a musical song. = {"id":null,"handle":null}; } window.BOOMR.snippetExecuted = true; script.async = true; win = iframe.contentWindow; {"currency":"USD","variantId":25010904006756,"productId":3001392267364,"productGid":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/3001392267364","name":"NEW! dom = document.domain; twoMonthsFromNow.setMonth(twoMonthsFromNow.getMonth() + 2); “Kana Kaloka/Here Comes Santa Claus” by Na Leo Pilimehana. Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree. to the extremely overplayed but still very enjoyable ones by Mariah Carey, Christmas pop is a … addListener(window, 'load', function(){ if (token) { } .product_section .product_form { The fourth day of Christmas still relates directly to birds with “four calling birds.” Some lyrics, however, use an older term, “colly” birds. document.cookie = '_shopify_ga=' + linkerParam + '; ' + 'path=/'; Each page spread of a Ditty Bird book has one ‘sound dot’ that when touched triggers on/off the songs. var originalDocumentWrite = document.write; schema_id: schemaId, function boomerangSaveLoadTime(e) { trekkie.ready(function() { iframeStyle = (iframe.frameElement || iframe).style; Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree. 'trekkie_storefront_load_errors/1.1', Ditty Bird - Christmas Songs","price":"16.49","sku":"012","brand":"Ditty Bird","variant":null,"category":"","nonInteraction":true} script.type = 'text/javascript'; "Viewed Product", document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(eventsListenerScript); From classics songs by '80s pop duo Wham! var href = document.links[i].getAttribute('href'); window.BOOMR.snippetVersion = 12; 'identify', lazySizesConfig.expand = 300; var meta = {"product":{"id":3001392267364,"gid":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/3001392267364","vendor":"Ditty Bird","type":"","variants":[{"id":25010904006756,"price":1649,"name":"NEW! iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); window.attachEvent('onload', asyncLoad); } else if (window.attachEvent) { INTERACTIVE MUSICAL SONG BOOK FOR BABY, TODDLER, 1-3 YEARS OLD: Read, listen and sing along as Ditty Bird sings your favorite Christmas Songs. Bird & Bird Germany sends its Season’s Greetings to all of you out there, wishing you a restful time and a Happy and Healthy New Year. if (!window.addEventListener && window.attachEvent && navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE [67]./)) { .multi_select, sendRequest: function sendRequest(endpointUrl, payload) { On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree. scriptFallback.async = true; ("as" in link)) { }; var action = document.forms[i].getAttribute('action'); var LOADER_TIMEOUT = 3000; }); Monorail.produce('', FREE AU STANDARD SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $49. Before you know it, your baby will have the whole family singing along to five best-sellin return false; })(); Ditty Bird - Christmas Songs $16.49 There’s nothing like music to get you in the holiday mood, so why not invite your toddler into the musical magic of Christmas. 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