they disappear because they dont want you. We'll make that 180 spin because we don't want to have that burden of hurting someone. I think they like to be close and have the company and intimacy but like to be able to take off and do whatever they like, when they like. 2 weeks prior to this I showed him a letter telling him he was growing on me. The worst thing that you could do would be to constantly check up on them, demand an explanation or make them feel guilty (it will only cause them to isolate themselves even further). I'm so sorry to hear. Just remember, it is very easy for him to do another 180. Never ever ever let him think you like him more than he does. He was very controlling person, set in his ways, i couldn't wear this, calling me all the time thinking i was doing wrong. I never denied the attraction but i don't want to do anything bout it because i don't want to spoil our friendship. this was 3 days ago and now i havent hurd from him. 2. Any way. Those guys are either immature or just not that interested. But i can't Find him!!! And also remember, if he started chasing you or being with you in the first place, he saw that special spark in you and loves it. How? Who could ever figure out any of this and who has a hundred years to do it? he was all about it the first 2 months I was blown away, i left my taurus boyfriend to explore things with him. He popped up and called me like it was nothing. hes quite a bit younger thn me but ive dated men younger. I live my life with or without him. I was hospitable due to this, but he grew on me and asked my me, yet uncle to give me his number, as he did nothing but goes on about me all the time i was told, however, i ***eventually*** gave in. I don't have the patience for these strategic land mines. Guilting only works for so long and usually just convinces me that I should run before I feel too bad about it. Simply click here to return to, All these dates can vary slightly by birth year and location. However, if you feel that youre ready for a steady relationship right now, this guy may not be the one youre looking for. they have emotional issues. People often say distance makes the heart grow fonder and thats actually true. He didn't like any of them. His time is precious. But, I am afraid he will just try to hide the other girls from me since I don't go out of my way to text or call him. It's been a month and no word from him. He got out of his truck I guess to come see why I was thereduhand when he got close to the car I just drove off, and never looked back!!! I'm great friends with an Aquarian guy who's 9 yrs younger to me. I am addressing that and we had a while where only 1 argument and I didn't run, he talked me out of it. I have Aquarius friends and my best friend is an Aquarius but this is my first time dealing with one in a romantic situation. I haven't called him since 2 weeks. The sex was the bomb! and, when he came back into the picture he'd want to pick up exactly where we left off, as though he'd never left. Thank you Thank you Thank you! It's just madness to have to work that hard to be with someone, doesn't make any sense to me! Did he suddenly become distant? An Aquarius man isnt the kind of guy wholl chase you again and again. I was dealing w/ this for MONTHS. Heya thanx fr sharin the experience but I'm so confused (typical Aries that I am).Jst replyin to ur post and wud wana letcha kno that we still do each otha on the weeknds:) but I think nw I can say we have jst entered into this state of being frnds too(which is good I guess). My Aquarius Man Dissapears And Reappears All The Time. WebArgentina - There are a million different reasons one could get tattooed, but one man's family just gave a new one after they used his ink to identify his remains inside a shark. You just have to remind him of that every once and awhile. I had no idea my aquarius guy friend had a crush on me for the longest time. That cant keep happening. As I read through I have picked out many words that I have used to describe this so called relationahip I am in. I will be faithful though and not sleep with other guys but i would have other guy friends I do other activities with except having intimacy and by so doing you are giving your aquarian man space which make him wonder what you are up to. attracted to his smile and flurtatious ways. Unlike Pisces men, who are great at communicating their emotions, Aquarius men dont articulate theirs very often. I don't understand the roll coaster of the dating pattern we haveHe wants to see me often one week, nothing the next week, then on again, off again, this last time was a monththen on again! As an Aries, patience is not a strength of mine. (( I think it's one of those stupid contradictions us Aquariuses are known for)) If you're Aquariuses is being very romantic, rushing along, don't just assume that he is ready for a relationship! Anyway, me and my Aqua guy chatted for a couple of hours every night for a week and were flirty, funny and I felt wow, I am falling for this guy and I haven't even met him. He had 2 long relationships be 4 me & guess who caught all the hurt they did to him. Ladies, if he doesn't marry you or commit to you with in 2 years. He acted as if he didn't care to lose me at all. Lean in and engage him with eye contact. Thats how youll prove to him that youre an independent woman who can handle anything that life throws at her and show him that you can live without him. Its been 2 days since his exam is over. Oh you are so welcome and Im glad I could be of help. :) as if nothing happened. But of couse things got sour. Aquarius men are a lot of work. I really would appreciate it, if i could get any help here. I miss him for many reasons, but at the same time, i gave him the skin off my back and he dissapears because i broke? That was too funny. i was friends with an aqua man for 7 years, the relationship was never sexual, but very intellectually engaging, fun, and light. They will try and date you but that is all as they love their independence more. My family are struggling with his decision what are we too dowe are in too deep.. As a Scorpio woman this seems like so much work. we both knew gow good it was and how different but now it seems hes done hes from a broken home hates his father doesnt relate to his mother. He has brown eyes and black hair. He stopped responding to me and when I asked him about it, he came up with an excuse and said he wasn't ignoring me. Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. the best> In a period of 24 hrs 20 were for sex, We saw each other only during week ends and he would call me every day. we made each other nervous, he's too good looking and i'm a little older. But lately there's been a little awkwardness between us because people have been interfering a lot. I said: We do get lovey dovey, when we're being intimate duh. WebAquarius / By Dawn Underwood. And what the hell is wrong with me that I feel this much for someone who isnt REALLY giving me a reason to? If you see an Aquarian in a club, hell most likely be surrounded by a group of friends; theyre very important to him and he cant imagine his life without them. He did the disappearing acts & standing me up.But despite all that we still hung out & things were good cause we were friends. Aquarius men appreciate self-dependent women who know how to handle things on their own and who dont spend their entire day checking up on them. I told him I was hurt by it, and he said he knew that I would be hurt thats why he told me. I am certainly not looking for any longterm commitment but don't want a 'friends with benefits' type relationahip either. then he started coming around every 2 weeks or went even longer without calling. When a Gemini man disappears, then, if you want to make him pay attention to you, you need to ignore him again a little, look your best, be easy-going and get busy I'm sure this may speak for SOME Aquarius males, but not all. How does it work? Aries woman who has embarked on a very strange (for me) and confusing relationship with an Aquarius male and just don't know where I stand, but then again reading all these postings it seems that maybe I never will! We were joined at the hip. I still haven't heard from him. we are beautiful people, this could be our dream come true, or at the least we will inspire each other as great sexy friends, cheer us on!!! No, you cant have your cake and eat it too buddy. In fact, I'm a bit obsessed with him. and that it would probably be the best for both of you if he left now. even though we were just friends he had a tendency to go off for months at a time and i wouldn't hear from hom or see him. when i asked what he'd been up to, it was always 'busy with friends.' ( I am an aries ) and my patience has been tested to a degree where I have questioned my own sanity !! So, in order to stimulate his mind, you have to demonstrate your interesting or eccentric side as well. Since I spoke to him i've spoken to a few of my Aquarius Male friends. We are out to get u.Boo. Web3. A common trait with this Uranus-based sign is that they get bored easily and theyre very unpredictable. An Aquarius man doesnt like to make any long-term plans and nothings going to change that. Aquarians need their alone time to recharge, to think things He travels a lot but he would always send me a text here and there to tell me he was thinking about me. Aquarius guys like the girls they pretend not to like. Astrology can let you learn more about someone you recently met. Aquarians like to go with the flow and switch subjects. You rarely hear them say, I love you, in person because they dont like showing their vulnerable side. Every relationship Ive been in the other person is unwilling to step outside of their comfort zone for me. It doesnt matter the gender because the Aquarius sign is extremely intellectual. Ha, ha, what a joke. and he seems ok with that it makes me feel im nothing! never answers phone. I met this aquarious a year ago. but the ring was too big! Way back in Mar this year, I mentioned I like him to which he said that he likes me as a friend and nothing more. See ya! However, its also not impossible. Now its been a would again should I move on ornot? a woman needs love and affection. I will say this though, that one of the many things I DO like about an Aquarius is how they are clingy and super needy, and for me this a huge plus, but then that "super detachment" thing they do comes into play, and you have to decide just how much of this you can take because it's tough to not get any, if much, feedback on how they feel about youlife must go on!! comics february 2022 solicitations; onn 52 inch tripod with smartphone cradle; post effective amendment s-8; allison new york embroidered kaftan; how to calculate mass in grams from moles; how to pack mangoes for transport; So the big question is: do I contact him and try to find out WHY, or just leave him be and hope he comes back around? We've never kissed or anything, I am just clueless with what to do, I guess I can't really do anything. Omg, this iscel exactly what im going through.The Aquarius thats putting me through this is my ex.We not together anymore but he keep bugging me about us Getting eachother name tattoed..that also confuses me, I met aquarian man who did nothing but showed me enthusiasm and interest buti wasnt interested because i found him quite ude, abrupt, dominatind and unappealing but saw him every day as he was doing work on my home with my uncle. Anyway..he just recently did the disappearing thing on me in the middle of texting, and I'm just leaving him alone, and getting on with my life because this constant up and down, back and forth roller coaster ride is way too annoying and frustrating for me to try and pursue any longer. SAN ANTONIO The King William Association has released its official 2023 King William Fair Medal for I feel like he is trying to hint at me that he is not gone, but he knows I'm off this week and I have heard nothing more. What if an Aquarius man pulls away when in love? I'm a cancer and trying to make things work with Aquarius, sometimes drive me mad. Let go and Move on. Thanks yes 9 years is a very long time. In the long run, having this chat with him may save you from further experiencing pain or wondering whether or not he has the desire to rekindle your relationship. In order for a relarionship to work with an aqua man you need to realise this will only happen if you are willing to play it his way - his terms and conditions. According to Detroit police, David Ciuma left his house on Goodmorning texts every morning, on the phone all the time, spending plenty of time together. This helped alot. How do I get to askin u further Q's if I need ur views?. Any help on this? OMG thank you, this helps tremendously .. Join in and write your own page! I cant change who I am. my head is spinning i let him know i was developing feelings.duh. Before I read this great information I didn't know how to deal with the Aquatius male. Not because I'm possessive or clingy, though I am emotional. On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. It's strange. He later cofessed that I kinda look fragile, innocent,and that im always happy, and he was afraid he might destroy that. After the first couple months I expressed to him that he wasn't making enough time for me, and I backed off a bit. Thing is I feel like a normal guy if they know you like them and don't like you back, stay away from you. I find this disappearance act so weird because I'm not used to it and I don't know what to think of it. yeah mine also said 'of course i want to see you, but at least u'll miss me more' Lord knows what that means?? Unless. At the time, I didn't either. We have been intimate this last year and we still remained close. and we agreed to meet and he called me but he was a bit 'I do not know what time and when I could meet you and what do you think' and I said I do not know either, when you know let me know and I could tell he said goodbye with an attitude and then he never called me back, 4 days ago, does that mean he will never call me again? Scorpio and aquarius can be a great match. Im starting to wonder if I just dont wanna give up because he is such a challenge. I mean who does that to someone? )The best way, again this is just my experience and I've known other things to work at different times, you just have to try you're best to read the situation, is to remind the Aquarius why he picked you in the first place. Trust me, he's got a flock of them wanting him just as bad as you do. I caved and told him I had a crush on him. and, to make it worse, he said he had liked me as more than a friend the entire time. It has been awesome, like a Harlequin novel. Everything was on fire from the very first convo-- we had everything in common, and the things that were different complemented each other. breaks my heart? . Enjoy it! Is there a way I can keep him on my Facebook but also do something about all this ignoring? Aquarians need their alone time to recharge, to think things through, to work on their ideas and to soothe their overthinking / over-analysing. But I do miss him believe me! I'm not perfect either, but my gracious, I don't go from hot to cold in less than 60 seconds for no reason. For them, dating is very easy. If you listen carefully, youll hear sweet music that will inspire you. Heres the thing, we got into it a few days ago, but we talked it over. WebPick a fun activity, maybe something you know he's been wanting to do, something he can't resist, even if he has been being a recluse. I had known for sure that he liked me but couldn't ask me out. They'll realize what they lost after your gone and you'll never again be treated like a doormat by this guy again. IM not calling or texting him either. He has some sort of spell on me and I don't like it at all. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. For the first time in years you feel alive. SAN ANTONIO The King William Association has released its official 2023 King William Fair Medal for the April 29 Fair. They are very good at playing games. I tried calling him texting him he never contacted me replied back. we were spending one night together drunk, telling all of our feelings about each other-- then that was the last verbal convo we ever had! What do you think of that Aquarius man who wrote this article? It was about him,the kids, his family, friends, his baby mama drama & I came LAST! and then he bought plane ticket vacation for us, i mean he full of surprise (which is hard for me to not meltttt =.=) doh! Never did. And that can be very hurtful and painful. I didn't want him and it drove him crazy and he would cry and just be very emotional. He does everything described above. I really like this aqua guy. An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology. I much prefer the feeling I have when he trests me like I'm his girl, that's really good. Don't push him into a romantic situation. but finnaly he got me again =.= hes just like a puppy! No. This may sound counter-intuitive, especially if you I am ready to end this life long friendship because I feel like I am being played??? I am sure that is why he likes me so much more than other girls. Mathew Williams was last seen on Feb. 3 in the 7400 block of Meadow Breeze Drive. I have never tried so hard to accommodate another person in a romantic relationship. Like - you can't make time for me, well I'm going to give you all the time in the world, - like forever. I am an Aquarius woman, I would indulge in doing my own activities and mingling with other friends so that I don't focus on the aquarian man to provide me happiness. Ive decided if he never calls me again, and after I see him next week (I frequent where he works) if he still doesnt call me or offer an explanation, he is going to get a nicely worded letter about his behavior and I will close the door on this chapter. Thank you! Ha! Instead, hell take his time to get to know you and once hes finally ready to confess his love for you, hell make the first move and go to you. That means completely getting off his radar. Remember to be honest and straightforward with him, so dont try to play any mind games or youll lose him forever. Is he distracted and just wants some 'space', like they do, or was his behaviour the last time we met his way of telling me he doesn't want to know? Does he keep coming around? When im with him he is affectionate and I can tell he has something for me, but its like a rollercoaster! I'm reading all you both wrote and cannot believe how similar our situations are. and after about 4days he said hes sorry, and we talked on the phone he said no other girl cus he just get interested in a girl at his friend cafe but he said yesterday he found out that this girl has a bf, so he felt stupid and oh yes i was so emotional and i said NO! But I do love listening to him rant on about whatever lol not to mention he is very ambitious, So damn sexy! but then when he come again, hed prefer hang out with my friend and her bf while im sick at work! So much good insight into the Aquarius male. my heart is breaking. Meanwhile, we were colleagues and a lot of fun together. My unbiased and anonymous analysis takes the gamble out of deciding what to do. He told me he's stressed out due to some things & avoiding talking to everyone. People work to hard for their money and nobody wants to be know as a dame fool. He's talked about all his past girlfriends. Any guy adores it when he knows his woman needs him. Mathew Williams was last seen on Feb. 3 in the 7400 block of Meadow Breeze Drive. How do you think I ended up here :)? Copyright 2023 CelestialToday | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. If he suspects that you have other good looking guys around you as friends, if he likes you he will work harder and do whatever to keep u and not to loose you to your male friends. Quite frankly, I prefer my solitude to this mental immaturity. However, crying your heart out in front of him will do more harm than good. I ignored him and finally send him a long text telling him that I dont do games. After all, he doesnt want to be with someone who always contradicts him unless hes testing his own limits. How the hell can I have a relationship with someone who always has his sprinting shoes on, & eying the door, if I unbalance his correct amount of romance/love/affection that makes him feel 'free'? We had the most magical kiss at the end of the night and agreed to see each other again. Yes I love him! Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. Was 3 days ago, but its like a puppy have Aquarius friends my... Get bored easily and theyre very unpredictable often say distance makes the heart grow fonder and thats actually true,. To askin u further Q 's if I just dont wan na give up because he is and. That they get bored easily and theyre very unpredictable a rollercoaster friends with an guy... Love their independence more like him more than a friend the entire time him a long text telling him was... 'M his girl, that 's really good of the night and agreed to see each other again,! 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