Operators are responsible for determining whether their meat product is ready-to-eat (RTE) according to this section. Storage conditions must in accordance with. An establishment must use option 3 if option 1, 2, 4 or 5 are not used. In normal conditions, Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins are not produced below aw 0.86, although in vacuum packed products this is unlikely below aw 0.89. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. endstream endobj 6289 0 obj <>stream Degrees above 15.6C: 37C - 15.6C = 21.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 18 Degree-hours calculation: (21.4C) x (18) = 385.2 degree-hours, Degree-hours calculation for the entire fermentation process = 84 + 144 + 385.2 = 613.2, Conclusion: Example 2 does not meet the guidelines because its degree-hours exceed the limit; hold the product and refer to sub-section Smoked sausages should be smoked with only hardwood or non-resinous material. The operator is responsible to implement proper controls over the conditions under which the product is handled to ensure its wholesomeness. Only pieces which have naturally adhering skin can be used to make MSM; detached skin or pieces which have loose skin flaps cannot be used. the words "must be cooked", "raw product", "uncooked" or any equivalent words or word as part of the common name of the product to indicate that the product requires cooking before consumption; and, comprehensive cooking instructions such as an internal temperature-time relationship that, if followed, will result in a ready-to-eat meat product. Product temperature is to be taken and recorded on a regular or continuous basis during storage to monitor compliance with these guidelines. collagen) are allowed as rework material in the preparation of sausages wrapped in artificial edible casings or natural casings, to a limit of 3% in weight of the new meat product. If an establishment which is required to do end product testing as per option 3 refuses to do the required testing on the finished product, the CFIA must detain the affected product, take measures to prevent cross-contamination of other product and inform the establishment that, if they do not provide the necessary test results within 60 days, the affected product will be treated as inedible and condemned. Products that are cold smoked and have the appearance of being ready-to-eat must be labelled as per section 94(6.1) of the MIR. The cure or brine can be added to the tumbler mixer and be incorporated into the product by the physical action of tumbling. The Species designations Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is using for Public Health Information Services (PHIS) are: for Meat: beef, veal, goat, lamb, and pork; for Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, geese, guineas, and squab, including for Ratites: emu, ostrich, and rhea. What are comminuted meat products prepared with meat or meat by-products and seasoned with spices (salt, pepper, etc) in small amounts, which may be cooked or uncooked and smoked or unsmoked? (b) the procedures to ensure compliance with the performance requirements set out in the Manual of Procedures. The effects of dietary fiber addition on the water distribution, water binding capacity (WBC), and textural properties of a fat-reduced model meat system enriched with inulin, cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), chitosan, pectin, respectively, were investigated in this study. Where this chapter of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures uses the terminology "where necessary", "where appropriate", "adequate", or "sufficient", it is up to the operator of a registered establishment in first instance to decide whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate, or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. A cooling schedule must be developed and filed for every type of heat processed product. The operator is required to ensure that any packaging material that is used in the sale of food products will not impart any undesirable substance to the meat product, either chemically, physically or microbiologically and must protect them sufficiently to avoid contamination. When steam is generated, it must be properly vented out of the area and not allowed to permeate into adjoining rooms. Kidneys may be left in FTM/MSM input materials where the product is labelled as containing kidneys and is produced for export or for use other than as an ingredient in a prepared meat product. Non-pathogens include Pseudomonas species which predominate on the exposed surface of chilled meat and Laaobacilli on vacuum-packed meat. Refrigerated MSM (cured or non-cured) should be maintained at temperatures close to 0C and should be closely monitored from production to utilization. The proposal must be supported by scientific data to validate the submission. comminuted meat products 2-spices and ingredients. For the purpose of this sampling plan the definition of a lot is the same as in the above item Control of Lungs and Kidneys in Poultry Carcasses and Parts of Carcasses. In either case, the operator's Control Programs must include procedures that address the build-up of product material on the equipment, to minimize cross contamination of product over time on a given production line. Fermentation relies on good control over a complex and precise combination of time, temperature, nitrites, salt concentration, pH and aw factors to ensure food safety. A saturated salt solution has a salt content of 26.4% and a salinometer reading of 100. Is the product a comminuted product other than sausage/sausage link (e.g., patty or meatball) or a breaded or unbreaded molded product (e.g., nugget)? Approximate minimum levels of aw (if considered alone) for the growth of: parasites: Trichinella spiralis will survive at an aw of 0.93 but is destroyed at an aw of 0.85 or less. For guidelines, refer to Annex F. If the operator chooses to use methods for the control programs, other than those outlined in Annex F, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they reach the same outcome, taking into account volume of production, establishment layout and species of fresh meat. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 121, no meat product shall be identified as edible unless, 22.1. Therefore, the operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. Our goal was to find the exact threshold for fresh to frozen meat ratio capable of controlling the meat temperature during processing, but without having an adverse effect on the sensory quality of minced pork. Fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer, (or equivalent), with graduations of 1. Room or area temperatures must also ensure control of product temperature during processing activities, such that there is no increase in bacterial growth of the product that would affect the validation of any further lethality step or validation of product shelf life. salted, pickled, dried, cured, smoked or treated by other similar means, but does not include refrigerated or frozen. Meat is chemically composed of major components such as water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and many other small components such as vitamins, enzymes, pigments, and flavours ( Ramalingam, Song, & Hwang, 2019 ). If the number of defects found is equal to or greater than 4, the lot must be rejected. Meat products which have been frozen and thawed for sale in a refrigerated state must be labelled in accordance with article B.01.080 of the Food and Drug Regulations as "previously frozen". Sausages in natural casings are only allowed as rework material in the preparation of equivalent meat products (i.e. To ensure that all of the requirements corresponding to the selected option are met, and to suitably demonstrate this, operators of registered establishments who manufacture a dry/semi-dry fermented sausage are required to complete a copy of Annex K "Option used for the control of E.coliO157:H7 in dry and semi-dry fermented sausage" for each different product and attach all the required information. Refer to Annex P of this chapter for the CFIA procedures to evaluate bulk container freezing processes for meat products. Mechanically Separated Pork or Poultry Meat will be deemed to contain skin unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise on the product's label. Requirements for processed meat products are governed by the both the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR) and the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR). Pasteurization of packaged ready-to-eat meat products may be used to extend shelf life and to prevent pathogen growth in ready-to-eat meat products. The frequency of sampling is to be adjusted according to compliance to specifications. The exact source and quantity of ground meat must be indicated in the product formulation on label submittals. The tested lots may move freely prior to receipt of the laboratory report. To improve the appearance of the finished product some tumbler mixers have been modified by adding paddles, blades or spikes in the tumblers so that during the tumbling action, the ground meat and cure is pushed into the solid meat cuts. High pressure processing is an approved post-lethality, post-packaging intervention step for RTE meats for the control of Listeriaspp. The agent must be an agent approved by Health Canada. When using skinless MSM in the formulation of a meat product, up to 8% of skin from the named species is permitted under the MIR Schedule I. Example: If 2.8% of salt in the formulation and the end product has a moisture level of 72%, the brine concentration is: {(2.8/100) / [(2.8/100) + (72/100)]} X 100 = [0.028 / (0.028 + 0.72)] X 100 = 2.8 / 0.748 = 3.74%. This is defined as the inclusion of a prepared meat product into another meat product. The approvals for use of preservatives in meat products are contained in Standard 1.3.1 - Food Additives of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. For the purpose of this monitoring plan a sample of at least 500g shall be taken randomly from the production lot. no fresh or frozen liquid egg is to leave the premises unless it is marked "Inedible egg - unfit for human consumption", as it does not meet federal or provincial requirements. the operator must submit to the Inspection In Charge, a written documented protocol for each product, outlining how the product will be identified and segregated into lots, the packaging method, type and temperature of the coolant, the duration of exposure to sub-freezing temperatures and the time period and location for the equilibrium of internal and external product temperatures such that an internal temperature is achieved at or below 4. The added 8% can only be applied to products which have skin on them (for example, it would not apply to beef tongues or gizzards). The presence of lung is defined as a part of lung measuring at least 1cm x 1cm. It takes 35 hours for product to reach a pH of 5.3 or less. lungs must be removed from all poultry carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation; poultry carcasses dressed with kidneys may be used for. Non-intact beef products include beef that has been injected/enhanced with solutions, mechanically tenderized by needling, cubing, or pounding devices, or reconstructed into formed entrees (e.g., beef that has been scored to incorporate a marinade, beef that has a solution of proteolytic enzymes Temperature and humidity should be uniform throughout the fermentation room. Work should be conducted in a Biosafety level, Methods of production, enumeration and standardization of inoculum: Individual cultures of each strain should be prepared by inoculating an appropriate growth media, such as Tryptic Soy or Trypticase Soy broth, supplemented with 1% glucose and incubating for 18 to 24 hours at 37, Size of inoculum to be used: the final concentration of. These must include the following elements: The operator must have a control program in place to prevent the transmission of pathogens from when using the inoculum from a previous batch (back slopping) to initiate the fermentation process of a new batch. When the smoking of pork products is used with heat to destroy Trichinella, the temperatures maintained must be carefully monitored. Examples: Determination of the quantity of pork skin which may be added to the following recipes: 25kg of pork MSM 20kg of water xkg of pork skin. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. The manufacturing process used must be evaluated in a scientific manner consistent with the challenge study recommendations (refer to Option 5) of this section. Once this has been established, frequent regular checks should be made. The following clauses are added under sub-regulation 2.5.2, related to "Comminuted or Restructured Meat Products ', namely: Meat Sausages 2A. refers to the treatment delivered to a meat product to achieve a reduction in the viable pathogenic organisms. Under this option, it is not required to test for E.coliO157:H7. Conclusion: Example 2 does not meet the guideline because its degree-hours exceed the limit - hold the product and refer to sub-section means by the Meat Programs Division (MPD), means the Area Executive Director, Operations, as designated by the President of the Agency, means Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, means the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, means the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, means registered under the authority of the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations. The operator may justify his choice under the procedures based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles or under the operational procedures of a registered establishment. In addition, only those food additives for which provision has been made in the the Tables of Division 16 of the Food and Drug Regulations either for that food specifically or for "unstandardized foods" in general may be used. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. Defrosting or thawing may be performed in air or water. An unstandardized food is any product for which a standard is not prescribed in regulation. All food additives used in meat product formulations must be listed in the Tables of Division 16 of the Food and Drug Regulations and used according to the provisions in those tables. It is most often expressed in quantitative terms, i.e., as the amount of heat energy that must be applied to a specific meat product to achieve a given log10 reduction of a particular microorganism. Number of replicates: a minimum of three replicates of the study should be performed. One defect is defined as a carcass or unit with kidney (when not acceptable) and/or lung. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. Important to sausages, reformed hams and other comminuted meat products 11. Three separate formulation batches can, however, be processed concurrently following stuffing. If the cumulative number of defects found is equal to or greater than 5, the lot must be rejected. Environmental and product samples in ready-to-eat products are required. For routine monitoring, accurate measurement electronic, The storage temperature must be maintained at 4. Thus, it is very important to cool product effectively but it is even more important to cool it quickly through this rapid growth range to prevent the outgrowth of heat shocked pathogen spores including the Clostridium species. This protocol is based on ISO Table #2859-1 at an inspection level of S-4, for a lot or batch size ranging from 1,201 to 10,000 units. Packaging materials must not impart any undesirable substance to the meat product, either chemically, physically or microbiologically and must protect them sufficiently to avoid contamination (See MIR, 92, FDR B.23.001). Non-comminuted & Indigenous meat products and there processing is discussed briefly fewer than 665 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is less than 33, fewer than 555 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is between 33 and 37, fewer than 500 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is greater than 37, If the bacteriological evaluation proves that there are fewer than 10. establishments which use beef as an ingredient in a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage; establishments which store or handle uncooked beef on site; establishments which obtain raw meat from a supplying establishment which stores or handles uncooked beef on site. The examination program must be capable of achieving the following results: Prior to approval by the Inspector in Charge, the effectiveness of the program must be evaluated using lot examination to assure that on-line examination achieves equivalent or better results than lot examination. Product produced since the last satisfactory evaluation must be reconditioned. comminuted meat products Some examples include pizza (bread-type crust, vegetables, meat and cheese), lasagna (pasta, vegetables and cheese). The CFIA website provides additional information on the submission process. The corresponding degree-hours limit (between 33 and 37C) is 555degree-hours. Nitrite or nitrate salts or both, in combination with salt (NaCl) and other curing aids are added to meat products to improve colour, texture and flavour and to prevent or delay undesirable microbial growth and toxin production. These ingredients also reduce the cost of meat products. This documentation package should include, but not be limited to, a recommendation from a process authority demonstrating that the alternate cooling process is as effective as the current performance standards. If the operator chooses to use methods for the control programs, other than those outlined above, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they reach the same outcome, taking into account volume of production. hM6E+ 23(toft%Q&/|5)^0~#3w{hH|h0F#G#G?5x=)c/. Subsequently, it has been. Upon completion of a successful evaluation, the operator must be provided in writing stating that the CFIA has evaluated the process for its ability to control E.coliO157:H7 and that it does not object to the operator using the process. 4in2). The level of estimated increase in Clostridium perfringens concentration (log increase) will depend on the quality of data obtained by an evaluator and input into the program. Until such confirmation is received, the operator must manufacture product in accordance to one of the other 4 options outlined in this section. endstream endobj 6290 0 obj <>stream Once this is achieved, the monitoring plan can be used. Refrigerated meat products which have been previously heat processed must not be packaged until chilled to 4C unless it can be demonstrated, through a process validation, that packaging does not interfere with the cooling schedule or the product safety. The above levels are based on the absence of other inhibitory effects such as nitrite, competitive growth, sub-optimum temperatures, etc., which may be present in meat products. 36. The manufacturing process must allow an extra 5 seconds of dwell time to compensate for measurement error. [ywhR 27nTr-PwE~Rnf\n5+V B?0Tzv2# $Lp#;m"@>/n<=S>wq0 _ This gives us the following final recipe: 50.6kg of skinless pork trim + 4.4kg of pork skin 25kg of pork MSM 20kg of water, 25kg of pork MSM without skin 20kg of water xkg of pork skin. It must indicate the minimum internal temperature reached during the process and, where applicable, the minimum holding (or dwell) time at the minimum internal temperature. Method of inoculation to be used: the inoculum must be added to the meat and mixed prior to the addition of the other ingredients or a starter culture to the meat mixture. The aw may be reduced by adding solutes (salt, sugar) or removing moisture. Home. Results must be reported in writing, identified as to the lot of product being tested and must include individual results for each test performed, method used and minimum sensitivity of the test used. For the purposes of this section a lot is whichever is the lesser of: Evaluation technique of CFIA inspectors, in which samples are taken from the assembled "lot" of product to determine its wholesomeness. most products have a specific flavor profile may be influenced by region, culture. Therefore, total number of samples for additional analysis: Time zero (0) = 2 After fermentation = 2 During drying = 2 End drying = 2 Total = 8 Number of replicates x 3 Total samples = 24. It is the operator's responsibility to develop and implement Control Programs that meet the requirements outlined in this section. The operator must have a control program in place to ensure proper removal of kidneys (when appropriate), and lungs in poultry carcasses and parts of carcasses used as raw material in the preparation of MSM or FTM. The operator must keep records of all products pasteurized. This material will be screened by the Inspector in Charge and forwarded to the Area Program Specialist for verification. A process can be judged as acceptable provided the product consistently reaches a pH of 5.3 using: When fermentation is done at a constant temperature, operators can either use the following table or the calculation method (see examples below) for determining degree-hours limits and maximum time for fermentation at a given room temperature. Manufacturing processes used to make fermented sausages are considered partially effective against E.coliO157:H7 if it is shown that they achieve 2D to 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. a separating drum or filter, separating screens, screen plates or perforated screen, feeding screw [i.e. However, they must validate through a microbiological testing program that their process will not result in the presence of E.coliO157:H7 or Salmonella in the finished product. Condition 1 and one of the two options in condition 2 must be met: The internal temperature does not remain between 49C and 4C for more than 20 hours; During cooling, the product's maximum internal temperature must not remain between 54C and 27C for more than two (2) hours nor from 54C to 4C for more than 7 hours. The operator must have deviation procedures for product which does not meet the standards outlined in 4.3.3. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. The rate of freezing is important to prevent growth of microorganisms or production of their toxins prior to the product reaching freezing temperatures. Those records showing adherence to the schedule (product time/temperature) should be maintained on file for a period of at least 12 months beyond the shelf life (best before) of the product and made available to the inspector on request. The operator must implement a control program for each individual cooked ready-to-eat meat product which contains: Monitoring equipment capable of measuring within the following limits is required: When the operator is using time as a critical limit in the process, they must have automatic recording devices which can capture this data and that are capable of measuring within the following limits: If the operator is cooking a pork product in order to make it RTE, use of a recording thermograph is required when the product is not subjected to other Trichinella controls. (See. For sausages, the minimum meat content is lower, with 42% needed for pork sausages, 26% for bird and/or rabbit sausages, and 30% for other meat sausages. The rejected product must be reworked and resubmitted for sampling, returned to the originator, or treated as inedible product. Examine the product, classify defects using the defect criteria table and determine acceptance or rejection according to the sampling plan. Where the manufacturing process does not correspond to one of the processes set out under options 1, 2 or 4 of this section and has not been assessed in accordance with option 5 of this section, the operator is required to test and hold each production lot pending satisfactory results. (a) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance; (c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance; (e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions. Indicating and recording thermometers must be calibrated. The manufacturing process must allow an extra 1 minute of dwell time to compensate for measurement error. It is recommended that holding freezers be capable of maintaining temperatures of -18C or colder. The following procedure is recommended: add inoculum to meats while grinding or chopping the meats to the desired consistency; blend in starter culture (if used) near end of mixing cycle; and. 1 second when the minimum internal (dwell) time is at less than 30seconds. The potential increase in the concentration of Clostridium perfringens during cooling depends on the concentration of heat resistant spores in the product. The drying chamber/room must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer (or equivalent), with graduations of 1. For instance, these standards may specify the kind and amount of meat or poultry, the maximum amount of non-meat and non-poultry ingredients, and any other ingredients allowed, or expected, in the final product. The sample plan must be representative of the lot. Each time a lot is evaluated, the following procedure should be followed by the operator: The operator of the establishment must design, document and implement an on-line sampling and examination program for boneless meat at a point close to where the product is placed into containers. meat products. Examples of how to use the calculation method for constant temperature processes: Fermentation room temperature is a constant 26C.
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