What does it mean to call someone a Benedict Arnold? He then directed the construction of a fleet to defend Lake Champlain, which was overmatched and defeated in the October 1776 Battle of Valcour Island. -Benedict Arnold, January, 1780. He led the British army in battle against the soldiers whom he had once commanded, after which his name became, and has remained, synonymous with treason and betrayal in the United States.[2]. American, then British officer after defecting during the US Revolutionary War (17401801), For other people named Benedict Arnold, see, Raids in Virginia and Connecticut colonies, Arnold's birth records indicate that he was born January 3, 1740 (, One British pound in 1776 would be worth about 160 in 2019. Early in May he made secret overtures to British headquarters, and a year later he informed the British of a proposed American invasion of Canada. [89] Eventually, a meeting was set for September 11 near Dobb's Ferry. Arnold's letters continued to detail Washington's troop movements and provide information about French reinforcements that were being organized. Arnold was made a brigadier general in the British army. For several years before he . Arnold's Family Life Was Messy By The Time He Was 20. Arnold was promoted to brigadier general for his role in reaching Quebec, and he maintained an ineffectual siege of the city until he was replaced by Major General David Wooster in April 1776. His first name was actually Enoch. In May 1775, Arnold's forces eventually clashed with the British at Fort Ticonderoga - nestled along the shores of Lake . He could not cope with failure and disgrace. He then went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and suggested to George Washington a second expedition to attack Quebec City via a wilderness route through Maine. [45] He then distinguished himself in both Battles of Saratoga, even though General Gates removed him from field command after the first battle, following a series of escalating disagreements and disputes that culminated in a shouting match. Arnold established himself in business in 1762 as a pharmacist and bookseller in New Haven, Connecticut, with the help of the Lathrops. He then presented the attack of Fort Ticonderoga. Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. [113], Arnold then applied to accompany General Carleton, who was going to New York to replace Clinton as commander-in-chief, but the request went nowhere. [88], On August 30, Arnold sent a letter accepting Clinton's terms and proposing a meeting to Andr through yet another intermediary: William Heron, a member of the Connecticut Assembly whom he thought he could trust. 3 January 1740][1][a] June 14, 1801) was an American-born military officer who served during the Revolutionary War. [66] Biographer Nathaniel Philbrick argues: Peggy Shippen did have a significant role in the plot. He knew that he was distrusted and disliked by senior military officers on both sides. See the fact file below for more information on . Benedict Arnold led the attack at the British Fort of Ticonderoga. Jul 4, 2020, 05:04 AM EDT | Updated Jul 4, 2020. [103] Legend has it that, when he was on his deathbed, he said, "Let me die in this old uniform in which I fought my battles. Benedict Arnold was unhappy with his position in the Continental Army by the time he betrayed the cause of the American Revolution to the British. In the United States, the name of Benedict Arnold is synonymous with treason. The fort was finally captured by the British in 1759. Together, they won the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, America's first victory in the Revolutionary War. Washington Irving used it as part of an argument against dismemberment of the union in his 1857 Life of George Washington, pointing out that the unity of New England and the southern states which led to independence was made possible in part by holding West Point. It is impossible to say when 37-year-old Benedict Arnold first met 18-year-old Peggy Shippen, but we do know that on September 25, 1778, he wrote her a love lettermuch of it an exact copy of . In 1763, he repaid money that he had borrowed from the Lathrops,[17] repurchased the family homestead that his father had sold when deeply in debt, and re-sold it a year later for a substantial profit. [6] With the outbreak of the French Revolution, Arnold outfitted a privateer, while continuing to do business in the West Indies, even though the hostilities increased the risk. [128][d], Benedict Arnold's name became synonymous with "traitor" soon after his betrayal became public, and biblical themes were often invoked. Their friendship became the foundation for the treason for which Peggy's. Mo talks with author Nathaniel Philbrick about the now . Lee Moran. On August 13, Schuyler dispatched him with a force of 900 to relieve the siege of Fort Stanwix, where he succeeded in a ruse to lift the siege. After formal inquiries, he was usually acquitted, but Congress investigated his finances and determined that he was indebted to Congress, and that he had borrowed money heavily to maintain a lavish lifestyle. The combined assault (December 31, 1775) failed, Montgomery was killed, and Arnold was severely wounded. His father was a successful businessman and young Benedict had a comfortable childhood. [1] [7] Arnold was the fourth surviving member of his family named after his great-grandfather Benedict Arnold I, an early governor of the Colony of Rhode Island; his grandfather (Benedict Arnold II) and father, as well as an older brother who died in infancy, were also named for the colonial governor. The second was Benedict Arnold. Arnold arrived in New Brunswick in December 1785, so Sage's mother could not have been from there. He returned a hero, but his rash courage and impatient energy had aroused the enmity of several officers. [71], By July 1779, Arnold was providing the British with troop locations and strengths, as well as the locations of supply depots, all the while negotiating over compensation. [132], Early biographers attempted to describe Arnold's entire life in terms of treacherous or morally questionable behavior. "[32], Arnold began the war as a captain in the Connecticut militia, a position to which he was elected in March 1775. When and where was Benedict Arnold born? [62], Wetherell says that the shortest explanation for his treason is that he "married the wrong person". betrayal. He led a force of more than 1,700 men which burned most of New London to the ground on September 4, causing damage estimated at $500,000. He is also believed to have built the first U.S. telescope. They had no reason to suspect that Gen. Benedict Arnold, the new commander of the post, would be less than a gracious host. He started as an apprentice Promoted to the rank of brigadier general, Arnold constructed a flotilla on Lake Champlain and inflicted severe losses on a greatly superior enemy fleet near Valcour Island, New York (October 11, 1776). A Connecticut militia force arrived at Ticonderoga in June; Arnold had a dispute with its commander over control of the fort, and resigned his Massachusetts commission. Despite his popularity and battlefield prowess, Benedict Arnold eventually broke bad. July 27] 1742 - June 19, 1786) was an American military officer and planter who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.He emerged from the war with a reputation as one of George Washington's most talented and dependable officers, and is known for his successful command in the Southern theater of the conflict. [25] On the night of January 28, 1767, he and members of his crew roughed up a man suspected of attempting to inform authorities of Arnold's smuggling. Arnold returned to England in 1791, but he left to spend several years privateering in the West Indies before permanently settling in London. Arnold said that it would have been better had it been in the chest instead of the leg. Thereafter his name became an epithet for traitor in the United States. Phillips led further raids across Virginia, including a defeat of Baron von Steuben at Petersburg, but he died of fever on May 12, 1781. Arnold was aware of his reputation in his home country, and French statesman Talleyrand described meeting him in Falmouth, Cornwall in 1794: The innkeeper at whose place I had my meals informed me that one of his lodgers was an American general. She was the conduit for information to the British. The Portrayal of Benedict Arnold in American History", Military career of Benedict Arnold, 17751776, Military career of Benedict Arnold, 17771779, A Proclamation to the Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Army, "The Crypt Center Church on the Green New Haven, CT", 10.1093/anb/9780198606697.article.0200008, "Independence National Historical Park: History of the President's House", "The Culper Spy Ring American Revolution", "Loyal American Regiment Historical Treks", "Native Norwich Is Ignoring Benedict Arnold", "Benedict Arnold: The Aftermath Of Treason", Saratoga National Historical Park Tour Stop 7, "In Commemoration of Arnold's Expedition to Quebec", "Letter: Some recognize Gen. Arnold as true hero of the Revolutionary War", "By Brigadier-General Arnold, A proclamation to the officers and soldiers of the Continental army who have the real interest of their country at heart, and who are determined to be no longer the tools and dupes of Congress, or France [Signed]", "Netflix's America: The Motion Picture fails at just about everything", "Netflix's 'America: The Motion Picture' knows who its audience is. He was the second of the couple's six children. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Benedict-Arnold, American Battlefield Trust - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Dictionary of Canadian Biography - Biography of Benedict Arnold, The Washington Library Center for Digital History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, United States History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Benedict Arnold - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Benedict Arnold - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Benedict Arnold: meeting with Maj. John Andr. One critic said that he was a "mean mercenary, who, having adopted a cause for the sake of plunder, quits it when convicted of that charge". He traveled extensively in the course of his business throughout New England and from Quebec to the West Indies, often in command of one of his own ships. In the winter of 1782, he and Peggy moved to London, England. Unable to obtain a regular commission in the British army, he later pursued various business ventures, including land speculation in Canada. On May 9, Franklin introduced Stansbury to Major Andr, who had just been named the British spy chief. For a time, he was a successful businessman, but after yellow fever took the lives of three of the Arnold children, the patriarch was devastated. Yet as every elementary school student knows, Benedict reneged on his original commitment and defected to England. [22] In a strange twist of fate, "the second most hated British . [108], On his return to New York in June, Arnold made a variety of proposals for attacks on economic targets to force the Americans to end the war. In that era, people ate most of the common foods without. He was again severely wounded in the left leg late in the fighting. Though the location was used for training cadets in engineering starting in 1794, it officially became the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1802. Or was it a kind of extreme midlife crisis, swerving from radical political beliefs to reactionary ones, a change accelerated by his marriage to the very young, very pretty, very Tory Peggy Shippen? [18] On one of his voyages, he fought a duel in Honduras with a British sea captain who had called him a "damned Yankee, destitute of good manners or those of a gentleman". [36] However, an acrimonious dispute with Moses Hazen, commander of the 2nd Canadian Regiment, boiled into Hazen's court martial at Ticonderoga during the summer of 1776. Many historians see her as having facilitated Arnold's plans to switch sides; he opened secret negotiations with her friend Andr, and she relayed their messages to each other. You may think it was odd that parents would name their newborn . Benedict Arnold Is America's Most Famous Traitor. [110], Even before Cornwallis's surrender in October, Arnold had requested permission from Clinton to go to England to give Lord George Germain his thoughts on the war in person. On June 16, Arnold inspected West Point while on his way home to Connecticut to take care of personal business, and he sent a highly detailed report through the secret channel. [123], In January 1801, Arnold's health began to decline. "Arnold, Benedict (17411801)". Washington refused his resignation and ordered him north to assist with the defense there. [87], Once Arnold established himself at West Point, he began systematically weakening its defenses and military strength. When in February 1777 Congress created five new major generalships, Arnold was passed over in favour of his juniors. While there, he disentangled himself from a lawsuit over an unpaid debt that Peggy had been fighting while he was away, paying 900[b] to settle a 12,000[b] loan that he had taken while living in Philadelphia. [24] Arnold initially took no part in any public demonstrations but, like many merchants, continued to do business openly in defiance of the Parliamentary Acts, which legally amounted to smuggling. Word of the siege's disastrous outcome led the company to turn around, and Arnold served for only 13 days. During the American War for Independence, several engagements were fought at the five-pointed star-shaped Fort Ticonderoga. Odell was a Loyalist working with William Franklin, the last colonial governor of New Jersey and the son of Benjamin Franklin. Benedict Arnold was born a British subject, the second of six children of his father Benedict Arnold III (16831761) and Hannah Waterman King in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. Before his name became synonymous with treason, Benedict Arnold was a bonafide hero of the American Revolutionary War. [133] George Canning Hill authored a series of moralistic biographies in the mid-19th century and began his 1865 biography of Arnold: "Benedict, the Traitor, was born". Bettmann / Corbis "You have five. Meanwhile, in April 1779, Arnold married Margaret (Peggy) Shippen, a young woman of loyalist sympathies. [1][7] Arnold was the fourth surviving member of his family named after his great-grandfather Benedict Arnold I, an early governor of the Colony of Rhode Island; his grandfather (Benedict Arnold II) and father, as well as an older brother who died in infancy, were also named for the colonial governor. Arnold became a shrewd and prosperous trader in New Haven while also joining the local militia in 1774 and being named its captain soon thereafter. Benedict Arnold's reasons for betraying America were extraordinarily complex. "[144] The victory monument at Saratoga has four niches, three of which are occupied by statues of Generals Gates, Schuyler, and Morgan. [1] Only he and his sister Hannah survived to adulthood; his other siblings died from yellow fever in childhood. [114] His reputation also came under criticism in the British press, especially when compared to Major Andr who was celebrated for his patriotism. Arnold's childhood was marred by tragedy; by age 20, he was an orphan struggling to make his way in the world as an apothecary. In the House of Commons, Edmund Burke expressed the hope that the government would not put Arnold "at the head of a part of a British army" lest "the sentiments of true honour, which every British officer [holds] dearer than life, should be afflicted". During the American Revolution, British Major John Andr joined with American General Benedict Arnoldin a scheme to secure British control over the American fortification at West Point, New York. "No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump ," said the voiceover in the latest ad . He was a general that preferred to lead in the front then the back, always riding his horse into battle alongside his men. [34], Arnold then traveled to Montreal where he served as military commander of the city until forced to retreat by an advancing British army that had arrived at Quebec in May. Some historians suggested an Arnold liaison in New Brunswick, but Canadian historian Barry Wilson noted the weakness of this traditional account. However, his betrayal overshadowed his accomplishments in the wars he fought and won. Benedict Arnold passed away on 3 March 1849. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [145], There are plaques on the grounds of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, commemorating all of the generals who served in the Revolution. Four days later, Arnold sent a ciphered letter with similar content into New York through the services of the wife of a prisoner of war. In his martial success, he became the target of jealous mediocrities. He claimed that Arnold was guilty of all kinds of treasonous acts and preferred the company of the British loyalists, all without offering any proof. Various translations of Sun Tzu's The Art of War have been published over the past century. Benedict Arnold's name has become infamous for his treacherous acts regarding the fort at West Point, which he was in command of, and his very name has even become a synonym for either treason or betrayal. Updates? He had established a decent relationship with George Washington, as well as Philip Schuyler and Horatio Gates, both of whom had command of the army's Northern Department during 1775 and 1776. Historians have several theories about why Arnold became a traitor: greed; mounting debt; resentment of other officers; a hatred of the Continental Congress; and a desire for the colonies to remain under British rule. Arnold had the power to act, to defy the stresses of business and the dangers of the battlefield; but Peggy had the power to endure. And those of us with long memories can take some comfort that things didn't go much better for Arnold once he left the colonies to live in . Arnold commanded the army only until May 20, when Lord Cornwallis arrived with the southern army and took over. He engaged in a variety of business deals designed to profit from war-related supply movements and benefiting from the protection of his authority. [101] From the ship, he wrote a letter to Washington[102] requesting that Peggy be given safe passage to her family in Philadelphiawhich Washington granted. As early as 1778, there were signs that Arnold was unhappy with his situation and pessimistic about the country's future. Benjamin Franklin wrote that "Judas sold only one man, Arnold three millions", and Alexander Scammell described his actions as "black as hell". Besides, I would argue that even if the British d. The sacrifice of Andr made Arnold odious to loyalists, and his reputation was further tarnished among his former neighbours when he led a raid on New London, Connecticut, in September 1781. [111] He renewed that request when he learned of the surrender, which Clinton then granted. Benedict Arnold served in the Connecticut militia and participated in the Siege of Boston. After Arnold was forced to drop out of private school for lack of money, he entered into an apprenticeship with Daniel and Joshua Lathrop, two of his mother's cousins. Benedict Arnold was a patriot officer who served the cause of the American Revolution until 1779, when he shifted his allegiance to the British. [29] She is buried in the crypt of the Center Church on New Haven Green. Peggy came from a loyalist family in Philadelphia; she had many ties to the British. A historical marker in Danvers, Massachusetts commemorates Benedict Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec Bayley Seton Hospital in the Clifton section of Staten Island was named in part for Richard Bayley, father of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton He was imprisoned by French authorities on Guadeloupe amid accusations of spying for the British, and narrowly eluded hanging by escaping to the blockading British fleet after bribing his guards. After Arnold was wounded in 1777, George Washington named him military governor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, recently abandoned by the British. 0:00. Despite Arnold's defection to the British, he was a fierce patriot for . Wikipedia Sign up to our newsletter. [119] The most serious of these was a slander suit which he won against a former business partner; and following this, townspeople burned him in effigy in front of his house, as Peggy and the children watched. [86], Arnold's command at West Point also gave him authority over the entire American-controlled Hudson River, from Albany down to the British lines outside New York City. 2. Benedict Arnold was born on Jan. 14, 1741 in Norwich, Connecticut. He led a small contingent of militia attempting to stop or slow the British return to the coast in the Battle of Ridgefield, and was again wounded in his left leg. A colonial resident by birth, Arnold made his living as a merchant before joining the American military to defend against the British. [35], During these actions, Arnold made a number of friends and a larger number of enemies within the army power structure and in Congress. One month after taking command, Arnold slipped the plans to British Major John Andr in exchange for 20,000 pounds of sterling, the equivalent of more than $4 million today. On July 12, he wrote again, making explicit the offer to surrender West Point, although his price rose to 20,000[b] (in addition to indemnification for his losses), with a 1,000[b] down payment to be delivered with the response. [141] Historian Barry Wilson points out that Arnold's descendants established deep roots in Canada, becoming leading settlers in Upper Canada and Saskatchewan. Through his maternal grandmother, Arnold was a descendant of John Lothropp, an ancestor of six presidents. [12] In 1757 when he was 16, he did enlist in the Connecticut militia, which marched off toward Albany, New York, and Lake George. Arnold and his men went towards Boston. The band played a funeral march. Arnold didn't die a heroic death, or even a cowardly death. [140], Canadian historians have treated Arnold as a relatively minor figure. Unable to find a new military or. [105] He also wrote in the letter to Washington requesting safe passage for Peggy: "Love to my country actuates my present conduct, however it may appear inconsistent to the world, who very seldom judge right of any man's actions. Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army to the British when he made secret overtures to British headquarters in May 1779 and, a year later, informed the British of a proposed American invasion of Canada. (Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't count; he's British.) Arnold was born on January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticutthe fifth person in his family to be named Benedict Arnold. When his British contact, Maj. John Andr, was captured by the Americans, Arnold escaped on a British ship, leaving Andr to be hanged as a spy. By early July, he was back in Philadelphia, where he wrote another secret message to Clinton on July 7 which implied that his appointment to West Point was assured and that he might even provide a "drawing of the works by which you might take [West Point] without loss".
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