A silent climb up the staircase, and Harry silently let himself into Tonks room. Harry was certainly interested, but with everything else going on in his life, he wasnt as concerned as he might have been. Harry started up the staircase at a jog. But Hermione, before we go downstairs, I want to speak to you. He just couldnt understand her. Harry enjoyed playing with her gently swaying breasts, until shed begun to throw herself down on him with abandon. I dont own a signed, autographed copy of War and Peace. Harry soothed the red-headed Gryffindor by explaining he felt Ron deserved his own room, then threw on a second reason just to cinch the deal without any real hurt feelings. He slid himself roughly back into her, and gave a violent thrust, shoving his entire cock into her, then gave a ringing slap to the side of her ass, and she screamed. God, he wanted to hit the scrawny freak! As the painting screamed at the top of its lungs several of the people following Harry and the young auror into the house moved immediately to try to silence the hideous thing. Youre guess is as good as mine. He was panting heavily as he rolled himself off of her, and collapsed on his back. Well this is your thing, Harry said, shaking his dick at her, So hurry up and get on your knees, so I can do something with it! Harry smiled as his aunt quickly rolled onto her knees, then nudged him with her ass. He saw her deep disgust at the rampant discrimination and bigotry that was rife throughout the magical world. And Harry was just barely learning what he was doing. She collapsed to the floor, out cold. Is something going on? Draco asked, arching an eyebrow as he too realized that the three of you were - quite literally - the center of attention. As Harry gained more experience and stamina, he found it easier to keep up with the four horny women, and he certainly enjoyed himself. Petunia kept petulantly tugging on his cock. The next day, while everyone is getting ready to leave on the express, Voldemort attacks. But I want you to come over and slap me around just a little bit. Dont you dare, Potter, you little bastard, she cried out, frustration and fear evident in her voice. He saw her at Hogwarts, determined to prove herself in a new environment, an environment that seemed just as unfriendly as what shed experienced in the muggle world. Harry would not be forced to take any first or second years, and only two early-blooming third years. She lifted her head, and caught side of a beautiful reddish bird that made her feel even better, just looking at it. Harry? his new lover asked, How much do you exercise?. Somehow sharing him just made her even more horny. I justI liked you a lot and I didnt think youd ever want to be with me if you knew the truth. After the war he became the Auror everyone expected Harry to become. Truth to tell, hed looked a bit green around the gills. Think of it along the lines of a Trek Holodeck.) We can get through this.. (a canon rewrite, with a bit of a twist)(also this is not a 'Ron is Evil, actually' fic so if that's what you're expecting, maybe give this a skip). Within two minutes of his entering the kitchen, she was so horny she was soaking her knickers. After the meeting they do their shopping for school, and while Malkin is measuring Harry for new robes she finds herself facing a rather large bulge. It feels sooo good.. I made the mistake, no matter how good my intentions were. (In this fic, magic is boosted and multiplied by people making love. So hed spent two lonely days in the hospital wing, recovering from his minor injuries, only to be fed breakfast, then released, right as the rest of the school was eating in the Great Hall. But well get there eventually. She turned to Tonks and added There is no way this increased libido I saw the four of you women receive in Harrys memories is part of the rape curse. If he wasnt getting enough to eat any other way, he would throw a tantrum. She didnt think it would take him long. Hope you all continue to enjoy the story. But she promises to take Harry aside and question him. The Great Harry Potter was nekkid! See you around Potter. Well, Harry admitted, Im getting desperate to make love to you.. Within seconds, he found himself with two beautiful witches in his arms. Soon she let out a howl and started rocking with another massive orgasm. #saddraco. Harry collapsed across the back of his aunt, and slowly rolled off of her. Your father and I were up quite late, talking. She stifled a yawn. I might come back someday, but right now I'm more focused on writing on wattpad. Family ma magic? For his birthday this year, the four ladies will take him out for a nice steak dinner, and an evening at a hotel, where Harry will have his first (but certainly not last) orgy, spending the night with all four women. Al parecer no todos tienen su final feliz. Im guessing while I saw your life, you saw mine?. For the first time in almost ten months, she was going to have a good yell! With Tonks fine silencing charms and protective shielding preventing noise or vibrations from escaping the room, their midnight love making could be much more intense, but they still had to limit the time they spent together. The next morning, Harry was up early (though minus his midnight surprise, which disappointed him slightly) and decided to follow instructions and try some exercise. If they couldnt find a way to dispel the curse on him, Hogwarts would be an impossibility. Though well hopefully find a way to remove the curse so that I dont have to keep raping women, Ill probably forever have a sexual relation with all the women I establish a relationship with, before that time.. A few seconds later there was another loud pop, and Dobby was back. I dont want Vernon getting too upset with you, he replied. Every Death Eater knows, if we kill Potter, we pay with our own lives! Work Search: She knew why Tonks did not try to stop Harry she might have been killed if she had and hoped that Tonks was right about how thing would come out. Hes in there somewhere, horrified by what hes going to try and do to you, but you sure cant see it. The auror waved her wand, and Hermione found herself free of sweat and semen, and was able to begin dressing. (But let me know, so I can see what you do with it.). After Harry raped first Petunia and then Julie, he just couldnt handle what he was forced to become, and he hanged himself. Hed barely shrunk at all, and was already growing hard again. Something like the Imperious? The last two, losing more and more impetus, had landed in her hair and her right breast, where part of it was soon dripping onto her stomach. He heard as Molly told her the most absurd stories about the Boy-Who-Lived night after night, month after month, year after year, and he was amazed at the kinds of things wizards would make up out of whole cloth! But it hadnt stopped. The adrenaline at getting caught that was flooding his system just sped the process as he felt his conscious control being locked away. I-We can learn to work that out. Making new friends and earning new enemies, he has to use his experience from his previous life not only to reach his goals, but also to survive. Pansy and I are not together. The three students chatted companionably, while a couple of Harrys closer acquaintances wandered by and said hello. But much like yesterday, Be back for lunch, though? Harry agreed, and his aunt headed upstairs. He and his mother had both tried to get Lucius to tell them what the problem was, and today he had finally relented. the evil deep in the veins of the 'light' start showing as harry comes and shows thei Lucifer Morningstar was a man who had it all. During her original mission on the planet with the fairly amazonian women, he will meet and love Clarissa, reawaking all of Minervas memories. ARUGH! Finally, Harry reached another climax. It took Harry less than three minutes to reach the bathroom, and as he had figured, nobody was was using it. She had tried endlessly to get Draco to end things with you since you got together, and it had almost worked at the beginning of the relationship: she attempted to convince him that even if he did like you, the lingering presence of your friends - Harry, Ron and Hermione - just wasnt worth it. But his thoughts kept turning back to his aunt. This time they were the real deal, all Harry Potter, and she almost felt herself losing herself in them. You you ought to know some of this. At least, for the violent ones. But he managed the shift his weight entirely to his legs, and he reached out with both hands and pushed the camisole up until he managed to reveal her breasts. Snape believes him, Dumbledore and Mcgonigal doubt it. Length Beyond Measure a spell to enlarge mans greatest treasure,' Harry read. Being werewolves near the full moon is rough. Draco Malfoy is forced to stay on the Weasley property, while Charlie comes home for vacation. Tomorrow Im going to the Doctors with Vernon. As her head turned at the sound, Harry stepped forward. Some of your classmates were upset with you for lying to them, but to your relief, most seemed to understand that you hadnt meant any harm. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed writing them. This was likely going to hurt more than she could imagine. CRUCIO!. Just a little more! His tongue moved slowly, up one side, down the other, then right between them, constantly moving. A sequel to 'Just Shy of Forever.' Too hard, she gasped. Thank god they werent one of her skin-tight pairs. I stopped by the store today, and am proud to say I do own a number of Swedish meatballs. Though as he slowly increased his speed, those moans were also increasing in speed and volume. God bless teen virility! In the meantime.the one with the power to vanquish him approaches.. Born into a non-magical family, third week of the ninth month.. return from the valley of shadow and dreamseither must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survive.. Oh God, Harry I dont know when Ive ever cum so hard! Petunias breathing was ragged. Harry, his girls, and Hogwarts are not dumb. His thoughts returned to her nude body underneath him. Sirius had agreed with very little prompting. One day, while exiting the ROR, Sybil will be trying to get in with some of her sherry bottles. But Nym, here, needs to see how I can treat her when Im not under the influence of that bloody curse! He returned his attention to the auror. His aunt had a beauty all her own. Youve been in a bad mood because of Potty? Draco failed to notice the anger beginning to grow on his fathers face. He snorted to himself. His erection was nearly solid, though it was kind of leaning to the side. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (531), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (5), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (4), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley (36), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE (91), Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy/Original Male Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Ron Weasley deserves someone crushing on him, it very depressing and suicidal in daeth point of view I mean he death after all, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Pansy would make a terrible doctor but that's the point, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Reject me now so you can love me love me later, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, and to further the Lucius changing of band, Pansy Parkinson & Harry Potter Friendship, Idiots in love well Harry is an idiot in love, Harry's ex is a dick & lacks self-awareness & remorse, Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini Friendship, James Potter/Tom Riddle Sr. | Tom Marvolo Riddle's Father. Ron for being his first-ever friend, the twins for the entertainment they provided, her mom and dad for how well they accepted him and loved him when hed known so little love in his life. Hermione grabbed the vial from the table, and raised it to her lips. Somewhere in the depths of her mind, she knew she should not want this, but if felt so good! Nothing important to the plot here, just not leaving the early characters out in the cold. And she felt shock at the visit from the huge man named Hagrid and the revelations that followed. How brilliant he found her to be. Sorry I was so clueless for so long, he replied. And finally, he felt her anger and pain as he raped her. But she was a little fearful that her own time with Harry might suffer. Harry transferred his attention to the blond for a few moments, just long enough to start her nipples to hardening. As is Hermione, as soon as she gets home. We didnt expect to see you so early in the morning! She gently tugged the invisibility cloak off of Harry, trying to ignore the warning growl that he gave as he turned those hate-filled eyes on her. They had to be quite near. Her head tilted further to the side to allow him more access to her neck, and her arms tightened around him, savoring the taut feeling of the muscles of his back, plain even through his shirt. Come on, Hermione. Call it a gift. While things could still go wrong, she had done what she could to ensure things would be a smooth as possible at Grimmauld Place. I dont own the island of Madagascar. Eventually Harry returns, does a little bit of training with his ladies, and in some way, set up the final battle. Tonks just stared, amazed, as he took the other woman from behind, as hard and fast as hed been pounding into her a few minutes previous. He leaped from his bed in a single smooth movement, and with a casual wave of his hand, the door slammed shut behind her. She lived through the rapes of five other women and saw the love and lust that he felt for each and every one of them, and the way that love and lust was returned. But Harry hadnt reached his, yet. And with the pain echoing through his head and his knee, and nobody around to temper his reaction, the curse was in full control as he violently thrust deep into her. I snuck up on him and cast a curse on him.. She didnt like the Potter brat he was an enemy of her family, and threatened her way of life, but that her son could curse anybody with such a horrible curse? Im hoping Ginnys young enough that it wont react to her, but we just dont know what kind of an age limit there might be, or if there is one at all. Harry shuddered at the thought of being forced to rape some tiny first year, or some five-year-old, or even a little baby. We were hoping to have time to explain this to you in detail, give you time to make a decision, and prepare you as best we could. Her wand was in her hands, and shed just started to cast a spell, when she found her foot caught on the hem of her invisibility cloak. It's difficult enough having Draco around, but to have his older brother attempting to set him up with Draco is even worse. Suffice to say shed collapsed in a satisfied heap by the time he was finished, and would sleep the night through. He watched, slightly dazed, as Julies C-cups swayed in front of him. She had been about to ridicule Millicent for thinking about such an impossible scenario, but realized that her daydreaming may not have been all that far-fetched. Draco took your silence as an answer. Nothing could go wrong, right? I dont own rights to the Harry Potter characters. That was incred ible! Harry sputtered. But hell spend plenty of time with the women he already has. When she went to bed, it was with a slammed door. While Tonks still had to dress, Harry was planning to curl up with Hermione for another hour or two, until she woke. Julie ran her hand down the pink-haired womans back, spreading the gooey strands of cum, then brought her hand to her lips, and lapped at the stuff. 27 February 2023 are david buder and lori schulweis still married are david buder and lori schulweis still married Gently! He saw her as a child, discovering her odd gift, and starting to learn how to change her appearance at will. Anyone recognize this story? It was still a fairly quiet neighborhood. But while his nightmares had backed off a bit (especially the nights he had somebody in his bed with him amazing how much more difficult it was to have bad dreams while you were fondling a breast in your sleep!) Vernon? Petunia asked him, Do you hate me? Petunias stamina was not all that great, either, and after about ten minutes and two orgasms, she rolled off of him, breathing as heavily as he had been a few minutes before. That day shed also started crushing on him, just a tiny bit. I have a shift this morning. I see you like the commando look, she joked. I dont own a signed, autographed copy of War and Peace. He started shifting himself off of her, and pulled himself out of her. Her screams continued, slightly muffled by her dead weight now pressing down on the sink. My spell had plenty of power to it, never you fear! Im a metamorphmagus, Tonks explained. When every other girl in the school, and most of the teachers do the same, every few days, Draco will get more and more disgusted about how his curse somehow seems to have backfired on him. Please, Harry, you cant do this! Now it was fears of her nephew being dragged off to prison rather than her son that were filling her mind. Harry started tugging at her sports bra, but had no real clue what he was doing. It felt wonderful, but Harry still had a way to go. #charlieweasley She saw the games of Harry Hunting, the lies, the beatings, and the intimidation of the students who might have befriended Harry otherwise. She rode him for more than six minutes before her second orgasm hit her, and he rolled her off of him and onto her knees. Authors Note: I dont know if this story will actually be allowed here the site says it doesnt allow really explicit content, but they dont explain what they consider to be explicit. It gave one last thought to Harry, then flamed away, the thought still echoing through his mind. Petunia had told Harry that she figured there would be less trouble from Dudley if she started enforcing changes to his behavior in stages. His eyes filled with nothing but lust and rage, Harry glared down at the slim legs and the white cotton knickers in front of them. Soon her hips began bucking once again. Whent hey finish their new lives, their souls will then return to their bodies in Hogwarts. "Yeah, yeah. NO! What does it do? Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! Vernon! He had never heard that tone from her before. And when he is in a bad mood, all of the Death Eaters are in a bad mood, as well. The evil git winced. He removed his clothes, and took a seat on the edge of the massive tub, laying the aged parchment on the floor next to him. For several generations the Potters have been suffering under a familial curse making it extremely hard for them to bear children. The woman was gasping in fear, but within a few moments she was also thrusting back against Harry, something that his aunt had certainly not been doing her first time. Besides, Ron, I get enough of your train wreck snoring in the tower. Hogwarts, Founders Era Harry Potter: Godric Gryffindor Undecided: Rowena or Helga. All right, Stud, Julie said with a smile. Life is good, she reflected. You have to catch your breath after walking from your car to the house. Its more than any of our lives are worth! As the two of them established a comfortable rhythm, he decided Julie was more of a groaner than a moaner. "I'm glad that we'll be able to graduate together," I said with a fond smile, bumping my hip into his. My thestral has loads of Ron/Draco. Soon the three of them returned to Gryffindor Tower to collect their luggage, then headed out of the castle and on to the Hogwarts Express. This is love. Ive probably come close to doubling the length of this, so it is worth reading again, though you may want to skip the first half you have already read. Harrys erection sprang back on the scene in an instant at the erotic sight. Just as you climbed out of the portrait hole, a hand wrapped around your wrist to prevent you from walking away. I dont suppose Dumbledores considered serving hot chocolate tonight by any chance? you hoped aloud, following your boyfriend into the warm and inviting entrance hall. He didn't want to use magic, as he was trying to stay in his bedroom for as long as possible before he had to leave, and that would have been quicker. The witch he was thrusting into was getting looser and looser by the second. Fawkes made it sound like something separate, trying to fight the curse. Three orgasms later, for her, Harry finally managed to cum a fourth time. Its a little less so though if you have a mate. He went to god. Petunia had not had any real plans for the day, and she frequently didnt bother to really dress until shed had her shower. He saw her belief in him, not only as a flier and quidditch player, which really didnt impress her much, but also in her certainty that he could be one of the top students, as well, if hed only apply himself. You stood alone in the center of the Great Hall, feeling embarrassed and ashamed before Hermione stood up and ushered you to the exit. Im getting used to it, Harry. Thank you, Vernon. She saw the games of Harry Hunting and the unintended neglect of the teachers who should have noticed Harrys abuse. In the past that would have been a horrible though; now it wasnt so bad. Hey, its Luna, and her stange way of knowing things will be very important later. And one of them would not attract his attention until near the end of the year. She moaned with each stroke, her hands caressing his sides as he looked down at her. Something thats led to an amazing relationship hed never imagined as well as one of the best birthday presents he could imagine. Cant remember whos top or bottom though. Enjoyment ensues. He also saw a woman who loved sex, and while she didnt love being raped, she was much more experienced than Petunia, a bit looser, and because Harry had just finished with his aunt, she wasnt in nearly the physical pain his aunt had been in. When he begins to make love to her, she loses track of everybody else in the room. She saw her husband through Harrys eyes. Status: In Progress Herminone contacts Rita, and offers her an exclusive interview with Harry about what has been going on, especially with the return of Voldemort last year. It was nearly dinner time when Harry finally made it home from Lydias, and Petunia was quite upset with him. Thats the problem. In the magical world she was assured by those in charge that she was not to blame, and had been used by the same evil wizard who had nearly destroyed their entire world. Why didnt you ever tell me that Dobby was cleaning the entire tower by himself? Eventually she had met Anthony Polkiss, and after a couple of years of shacking up, the two had decided to marry. By this time, Harry had stripped off his trousers and boxers, losing a tad of his own skin in the process, and was forcing her knees apart as he pressed himself between her legs. But when Harry pulled the paper free, he found himself with a parchment, not a photograph. It was not to be. Authors Note: So while the incest is not going to end, at least there are some others who are getting involved now. When he returns, he will be able to create lenses that have all the properties of the original, except that they may even be able to be worn by women. Harry asked a minimum of questions, just enough to make his Godfather feel needed, but he was pretty happy when Remus backed Molly in insisting enough had been said, and the whole gang was sent off to bed. Eventually hell manage to seduce Diana Prince (Wonder Woman). Nobody wanted to make waves, and nobody said anything when Petunia again served herself and Harry larger portions than usual, and Dudley and Vernon smaller portions than theyd been used to. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Harry was able to discover the joys of not only making love to a woman, but waking to find one in his arms. He gently ran his tongue up and down her slit several times, before he gently spread her lips with his fingers, and licked as deeply into her as he could. If (Y/N) wasnt actually pure-blood, could you imagine Dracos reaction?, Thats- Pansy paused. Viewing it all through Hermiones eyes he had a much better grasp of all the failings of the wizarding world, and he saw her disdain at how nobody seemed to care. Please, Harry, she pleaded, Please fuck me! Harry was out of his pants so quickly, he would have suspected hed somehow banished them, if he couldnt see them laying on the ground. She tried getting herself off to the thought of Viktor, but as soon as she started imagining pillow talk, the first thought of him mangling her name just destroyed the image. Shed exchanged her nice dress for a basic sun dress, and Harry was really starting to get horny when he noticed the lack of panty lines and a couple of pokies.. And though shed tried thoughts of different boys or men she knew, none got her as hot as Harry. And then came that morning. . He followed it with four more thick strands of cum as he let out a groan. With O.W.Ls, schoolwork, trying out for the quidditch team, and you know who rising to power as the ministry sticks its fingers in its ears. These bits would have mostly been for humor, showing Malfoys continually growing disgust. I know neither of us try to acknowledge it, even the littlest bit but do you mean to tell me that in all this time you havent had the least worry, however much you didnt want to admit it, about your weight, or the weight of your son?. They entered the small bedroom to find Harry squirming on a chair. of "truth or dare", leading to complete She mentally snorted at the image of a male sitting in the most amazing bathroom shed ever seen chanting a spell to enlarge his John Thomas well, wouldnt they all, if they had the chance? She would have woken up chaffed from the sheets soaked with her juices if Harry hadnt cast a quick drying spell as the auror lightly snored. O wha did ou hink? she asked Petunia. She was right, the lust and desire raging through both of them demanded somewhat quick fulfillment. We may have lived through each others lives, but were still going to have a lot to discuss, she said. She saw the abuse at the hands of his relatives, the horrid living conditions, and the malnutrition. Nobody saw me. He spread the skin around it slightly, and circled it with his tongue. How will he react It still threw him off balance enough that the slim blond had a few seconds before he was on her again. Draconius Malfoy lost his entire world but always refuses to give up hope on getting his family back. Tonks will be there early to get things set up, and to play with the women (who, while still going at it with their husbands, also find some time weekly for each other). The next two or three days are spent with the Grangers, then Harry will return to Privett Drive (though not #4) for a day or two, spending some time with his first girls. My ears want a little more time to recover before next term begins.. Thankfully hers was excellent, and she ended up giving him more support than she received. Harry stared for a moment, then one part of what Fawkes said finally registered. I hurt you badly.. Though to the two new lovers it felt like heavenly hours, Harry lasted 28 minutes at top speed before he screamed out Merlin! and lurched across Lydias back. And he saw the absolute worst depths of that pain on Halloween, first year; terror beyond anything the young witch had ever known, followed by the tiniest ray of hope. Harry is a very, very strong wizard. Soon Dudley was off to spend time with his gang, and it took Harry and his aunt only a couple of minutes to wash the few plates theyd used for the mid-day meal. You knew his friends werent fond of you, but you tried to be pleasant with them anyway. This is the story of how that changes everything. Nym? I am not! he said, sullenly. ' His aunt did her best to stifle a snort as she did up the snaps on her robe. Harry, that was wonderful, but were both of us half-dead. Harry moved up behind her, and dug his fingers into her shoulders. She saw what a phoenix was, and what it could and could not heal. "I love the color on you. Tonks maintained the proper spells which could, when used regularly, prevent worries of unplanned pregnancies, and Lydia was on the pill. His strokes were long, but slower, and he tried to avoid bringing her any pain. Several things happened at practically the same moment when Harry followed Tonks through the door into Grimmauld Place, and it was very distracting, which Harry felt was probably a good thing. Julies experience was not nearly so pleasant, as she had to come to grips with Harrys life. She wanted them to succeed. When they meet at the Leaky Cauldron, Tonks and Hermione will warn Rita that it could be very, very dangerous to meet with Harry, but if she did so, she would have her freedom from Hermione, and free reign on what she writes with no further threats about her unregistered animagus ability from Hermione. Oh God, Harry, she moaned as she lifted her hands to his shoulders. It took Harry only a couple of seconds to respond, returning the kiss eagerly. Give me a moment to check Ginny over and make sure shes been fully healed from your first time, then I think wed better get Harry back under that invisibility cloak, and let you both get back to my room.. It had felt like he had been dreaming of sex for months. Her eyes suddenly widened in shock as she felt his erection starting to lengthen and fill inside her, once again! He stood abruptly and walked swiftly toward the trio at the Gryffindor table. Surely it couldnt be as bad as she made it out to be, but He glanced around the table.
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