The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency. Request for Time Off HR360. Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface. Would it surprise you to know that the Bible foretold of this event? Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth., Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad, what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!. The Biden administration has mandated the shots for federal workers and government contractors. Psalm 121:7-8, Hi! This letter is in response to your inquiry concerning the scope of the legal protections for religious liberty in the workplace. I will continue to share my journey on TikTok and Instagram: @brittanyschreiber. Thank you so much for doing this because I did not know what to do? Come before the Lord with a contrite spirit, humble yourself, ask Him for His forgiveness, to receive the free gift of His salvation, to receive His Holy Spirit, so that you may be transformed into a new creature, into a child of the living God. This may be the most imporant message you will read in these timesplease do not ignore this! Considering I work for a Catholic organization this is gold. Love & Blessings to you Brittany. You can edit this and make it your own letter to a governor or a school/work place. Because the admin of this site is working, no uncertainty very As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. stream Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again' (John 3:5-7). }\_e1~PyxxC|~t#;w#~0?Op|*h UAYIcW_}qWXz.fqw~zyW4iqCg+ty{%45&r4ZU PtYI}H{R=PRI^K$L*)W[XRdY\v 6jTl.e>A(SO>=q&>y$%\5/X1,oFfs5y4"]bu{HcO&9YEK~)1)r% m!xb11L kTIOrc~?(w4"9qoPA Now what is interesting about the number for Jesus, 888, is that if you apply the same formula that was used to count 666, you get 8+8+8=24. This is, for me, is a strong religious conviction. To me, this vaccine is what nonkosher food is to Orth one requires anyone to consume a substanc odox Jews. Why did the Biden campaign choose 30330? Freaky? SAMPLE LETTER FOR RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FROM VACCINE MANDATE To [Employer or School]: I am writing to invoke my constitutional right to be exempt from the COVID-19 vaccine mandated based on my sincerely held religious convictions. In the Hebrew language we can uncover the meaning behind the name Barack Obama. Include in your letter the Supreme Court Definition of Religious Belief: "The Supreme Court has interpreted religion to mean a sincere and meaningful belief that occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to the place held by God in the lives of other persons. Aborting a baby in the womb is murder. (Name, contact information) ### Date: The Pope doesnt over rule our Constitution and our laws. If we were to write those names backwards we would get ailam ahsatan. My deeply-held beliefs do not allow me to inject any form of medication into my body. Whoso sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, As all human life is made in the image of God, and thus we are prohibited from shedding each others blood (see Genesis 9:6, above.) I dont see that LIU has an option for that online. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. But even if the powers that be tell us that our bodies are not our own, we answer that they belong to God, certainly not the state or the fleeting whim of a government official. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didnt show up. This messsage reveals what the Mark of the Beast is, and the meaning behind counting a number people have been pondering for centuries, 666. (18) He saith unto him, Which? He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill; even bringing the law to its truest light by stating, You have heard that it was said to those of old, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28). The person claiming an exemption should also agree to . The pope only can speak for him and his followers! I thus establish my objection to the vaccine for COVID19, due to my sincere religious beliefs. The content of exemption letters varies, but the goal is the same: helping employees explain that a vaccine rule conflicts with their religious beliefs. And one thing is certain, 2020 is truly being divided by Satan. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and considering my religious exemption request. We can see this throughout scripture: For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one (1 John 5:7 NKJV). Hernndez points out that an . Why the number 24? Jesus stands alone among the other religions who say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil, and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. It is well known that many born again Christians and Catholics are against abortion. October 2020 Isaiah 53:6 Someone said we are being whipsawed in 2020. Those that received a vaccine would live, those that did not receive a vaccine would die, and it would be as simple as that. I am grateful for Gods grace, mercy, and the patience He has shown to me in bringing me to these truths. In Jesus Name. By Chloe Reichel. Take 144,000 divided by 216 and you get 666. God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. Please feel free to share this religious exemption letter template with whoever you deem needs it. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: There are many different types and forms of religion in this world. I will share. Much love! And yet again in 2 Corinthians 7:1, there is this admonition against defiling the flesh and the spirit: Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from filthiness of the flesh and Psalm 139: 13spirit, perfectin g holiness in the fear of God. The Court's ruling in the case, Gateway City Church v. Newsom, blocked a county-level ban on church services . The name of Jesus in Greek gematria adds up to 888. Also, how could you determine who truly has a spiritual mark so that they may buy or sell? Thank you again! Please feel free to share this religious exemption letter template with whoever you deem needs it. I believe that taking the vaccine would be an expression of my lack of faith in my God given immune system. 1 the number of the beast, Now if you add up all three numbers from counting 666 by moving the + symbol around, it would be 72+72+18=162. We have the right to decide what medication and vaccinations that we can take. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. In addition, my second reason has to do with free will. Accordingly, I believe pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I will definitely be using this!! And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive? Great sign & seal. I have never taken flu shots and never gotten sick. I believe in the Bible and that God forms babies in the womb. There is no neatural ground. Brittany thank you for all these Bible quotes and for being a leader! I have literally been getting death threats but will continue to fight for you and your religious freedoms! The first two definitions of the word are a human being, whether male or female, and, generically, to include all human individuals. These statements of faith and belief are not meant to disparage or condemn any other person who does not share these same beliefs or interpretation of religion. Barak Obamah, The use of bamah is used to refer to the heights of Heaven. I have never taken flu shots and never gotten sick. I received thousands of messages and unfortunately cannot respond to every message but if you follow me I will try my best to answer all of you first. As a practicing Christian taking the vaccine goes against my religious beliefs for multiple reasons. The last three I see is the number 6 being used three times in a row. 3. Need one for medical due governor of Oregon Kate Brown made it all state health care workers must get vaccinated no testing. I will definitely be using it as a nurse who doesnt believe in this shot! The purpose of this form is to start the accommodation process and help your agency determine whether you may be eligible for a religious exception. The first reason is that the vaccine was developed from aborted fetal cell lines. But by saying the number of it 666, implies that it is of the beast system as a whole. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, An example of an unlawful mandate might include when Pharaoh demanded that the midwives perform. My job and University is also making it mandatory. I have Jesus for that, Hi, My daughter and i are forever grateful to you. Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?. Even the Pope came out and said its ok and that religious exemption doesnt apply to this vaccine for Catholics & Christians. Psalm 139:13-16 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?. If we as fallen humanity, created in Gods image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God? Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. Thank you for creating this letter. The EEOC also says that an employee seeking an exemption does not need to show that they are scrupulous in . (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) Everyone knows the pope is a liberal democrat by his own actions. Jesus says that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God in the Gospel of John chapter 3. An example of a lawful mandate might include a decree that all people return to their city of birth to be taxed. Thanks for sharing. Waiting to see if they accept it. Funeral Appreciation Letter Free Sample Letters. I am strongly convicted to not allow these COVID-19 vaccines into my body, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. individuals with sincere religious beliefs and not those with political or other beliefs unrelated to religion. Thank you for the letter,, I will rearrange it for my request to do not become vaccinated,, Im in Canada,, I will let you know what happened.. CHIP IN? In the Islamic religion they have man called the Mahdi who is known as their messiah of whom they are waiting to take the stage. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. If you take the current year 2020 and divide it by the number 666 (known for its satanic implications) you will get the number 30330 (repeated). Very thankful and praying this is accepted. endstream endobj 95 0 obj <. In the Greek (the New Testament was originally written in the Greek language), and other translations, you will notice the beast is described as an it, instead of him. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Thank you for sharing, In full agreement He that feareth is not made perfect in love. Im more than convinced that God has shown me that he is without a doubt the Antichrist, and we will see him rise to power in the not so dinstant future. Please feel free to contact us if any thing needs clarification of if we may be of further assistance. SAMPLE. Coincidence? You raise, in particular, your organization's "strong interest in ensuring that Jewish Americans are free to practice their faith in the workplace." And, as you will read further in this article, to have the mark of the beast is the same to have the name of the beast, or the number of its name. Hi do you think this would work for schools/colleges? He came on stage claiming to be a Christian with no affiliation to the Muslim faith, In our lives, Michelle and I have been strengthened by our Christian faith. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the worlda microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society). For starters, the U.S. In addition there is very little research done on how the vaccine affects fertility.
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