Next Meeting: Deadwood Creation on Conifers

6pm: Bring your trees in for help from more experienced club members or advice. Purchase any raffle tickets before the meeting begins.
7pm: Meeting starts
John will be presenting different techniques to deal with wounds and deadwood across a variety of species, with a focus on conifers. He will cover juniper carving technique, deciduous wound healing as well as jins and shari on a variety of species.
About John: “After graduating from a 2-year apprenticeship with Michael Hagedorn, John Eads began Left Coast Bonsai in 2021, a nursery focused on building quality bonsai from the ground up. In addition to his growing operations, he offers classes and one-on-one instruction on topics ranging from starting material from seed all the way to refined wiring of trees for show presentation. He lives with his family on a slice of heaven in Gales Creek, Oregon.”