0000067623 00000 n 0000054094 00000 n 0000009293 00000 n 0000051916 00000 n I recognize that family-oriented news organizations like the AP and the Times do not publish words they know to be coarse and deeply insulting to particular ethnic groups, nationalities, and religions. It was 50 years ago that Butz, as a teenage boy, guided a horsedrawn plow over the fields of northern Indiana. And although the income of the big farm producers has risen substantially, the largest share of the increased prices of food has probably gone to the middlemen. The program went from limited and controlled by the government to expansion, so more food could be produced. The Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. You're working for yourselves, because you're trying to make a little money and save some of it. The 12,500 members of the American Farm Bureau Federation to whom he addressed those remarks recently in Indianapolis roared their approval. Earl Butz, who was born 105 years ago today, was one of the worst US government officials ever.He was Secretary of Agriculture in the Cabinets of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Rather than use federal policy as a check on farm output, Butz saw it as a lever to maximize output. Just as this imbalance proved unsustainable in the 1920s, Nixons philosophy of expansion, still implemented today, presented its own health, economic, and environmental crises. Agricultural policy has supported Americas greatest triumphs. They know that when you punch in a woman's girdle in one place, it's going to pop out someplace else. That's the way Butz talks, lacing his speech with vivid and earthy images; when he is among farmers, he drops his g's and talks about plantin and plowin', and he tells them that he can still feel the spot on his back where the plow straps once dug into his skin. He's a spokesman for the big corporate farmers, for the food processors and for the grocery people. Ford discusses many of the painful decisions he had to make during his presidencyincluding the firing of Earl Butz. 1999-2023 Grist Magazine, Inc. All rights reserved. There are those who regard him as the leader of the Great American Farm Revolution, those who regard him as Gerald Ford's greatest political asset, and there are political experts who can't decide whether Jimmy Carter is being smart or being dumb when he says he would dump Butz if he were elected President. Last year, they harvested 1.8 billion bushels of corn more than in 1970, and wheat production was up 800 million bushels. . Although not featured prominently in history books, American land and agricultural policy laid the groundwork for the countrys geographic, political, and economic development. BJW -WYFW(.V*(T[)&(?`".\xc;; 0000060947 00000 n That same year, he was also named chairman of the United States delegation to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Secretary of Agriculture. You are the most productive part of America! 0000056225 00000 n 0000048619 00000 n 0000016123 00000 n Then they made secret deals with the five biggest American grain companies for 24.2 million tons of grain worth almost $1.5 billion in 1972 dollars $7.6 billion in 2009 dollars. Earl Butz I challenged things that needed to be challenged at Purdue. On the one hand, the high production can lead to big surpluses and big drops in farm prices. 0000059949 00000 n 0000053560 00000 n QB&qGN(>[:#u*@uE(RMkc'-b!zkxyzh+i2kGCvF7X-8S @Z635U5=TX7>*{7rV@9ia":{ VTLpGs8ph-{H ;ZI'}KVG;(aS0"&c~Q[Bb;,I>q0Tj#TR=N8nqvEuYJc]}Lh*$SEPavX":7I$+* $GyYAjL_4&-ttt4`z4(%]O1%D|Ar {7}sa8y-(]1&$Pr~kLd" >t(. x|kQO$c*M3Sj In 1948, Butz became vice president of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and three years later was named to the same post at the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.In 1954, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Agriculture by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.That same year, he was also named chairman of the United States delegation to the Food and Agriculture . Marshall Martin discusses policy with Earl Butz. President Abraham Lincoln promoted expansion when he passed the Homestead Act in 1862. He is blamed for high food prices, accused of hurting small farmers and of playing politics with malnutrition and hunger and he is charged with disrupting the nation's foreign policy. He first came out for abolishing private inspection agencies and turning over all inspection to a new Federalstate system. Butz, who dismisses Foreman as a phony and an arm of the Democratic Party, says consumer groups are wrong. He took off the restriction that farms had stating what they could and could not produce . 0000008397 00000 n 0000010640 00000 n 0000010104 00000 n The obituaries for Earl Butzwho went to his reward Feb. 2 at the enviable age of 98all note that he will be remembered less for his accomplishments as Agriculture secretary under Presidents Nixon and Ford than for the two off-color jokes that got him fired. 0000044615 00000 n Naftali: Was it surprising to you when you were asked to come to Washington again to be in his Cabinet? 0000022228 00000 n He was a bigot and, even then, at 66, not a young man. Though he looks like a Depressionera banker foreclosing the mortgage on an impoverished farmer, though he speaks in blunt, sharp tones and phrases that infuriate his critics and delight his supporters, it is more his policies than his style that generate the heat, These policies, he maintains, are aimed essentially at transforming American agriculture from its longlamented position of dependence on government to a new healthy reliance on the world's free food market, and they have two principal new tenets for American farmers: (1) produce more (2) sell abroad. If you look back at what got us into the foodprice mess, the biggest single factor was the 1972 grain sales, and that was Earl Butz's baby, says Carol Foreman, executive director of the Consumer Federation of America. The obituaries for Earl Butz who went to his reward Feb. 2 at the enviable age of 98all note that he will be remembered less for his accomplishments as Agriculture secretary under Presidents. [4] In his time heading the USDA, Butz drastically changed federal agricultural policy and re-engineered many New Deal-era farm support programs. [4] In 1968, he was promoted to the positions of Dean of Education and vice president of the university's research foundation. They are making money nowand it was Butz who was there when the going got good. Some world food organizations are concerned, not only because of American fuzziness at Rome but also because of the tendency of the United States to sign longterm supply agreements with people who pay cash for grain. Earl Butz While he was president, it was popular to be a Nixon hater. Earl Butz Ford was warm and friendly. Valuating is itself the value and jewel of all valued things. The events that really led to Butz's predominance in the United States Government's internationalagriculture decisions began early last summer when it became clear the Russians would need grain. 0000059164 00000 n 0000045535 00000 n Millions of hogs, cattle and chicken were sold for slaughter as producers reduced their inventories. He's on the side of people who buy from farmers and sell to consumers.. http://www.stanford.edu/group/west/cgi-bin/pager.php?id=49. 0000008094 00000 n In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Butz as Secretary of Agriculture,[4] a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned in 1974 as the result of the Watergate scandal. 0000043664 00000 n 0000050347 00000 n I told him, You've got too many instant experts on agriculture in the White House They're brilliant people, but with no judgment. 0000042932 00000 n He wanted all this done without fanfare but lost control when Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns predicted the sales would drive American food prices higher. 7. ), And despite the rise of organic this and local that a trend that annoyed Butz to no end the old campaigners vision of maximum-production agriculture has become more entrenched then ever. Farm income stayed high for most of the decade. Grist is powered by WordPress VIP. Although Butz publicly emphasizes that the United States cannot and should not use what he, at the same time, frankly calls agripower as a weapon, he is fond of noting that Rumanian Agriculture Minister Miculescu once told him: You've got a weapon more powerful than the atom bomb: you've got soybeans. Butz took two days off from chairing the Rome World Food Conference two years ago and went to Cairo with a little wheat in my pocket They had the red carpet out for me there. Out of the unsettling agricultural and economic events of 1972, the beginnings of a robust agricultural monitoring program were born. October 11th, 2021. "Federal Farm Policies Hit". 0000071753 00000 n As the supply of grain dried up and U.S. stockpiles were depleted, Butz advocated increasing production. trailer Earl L. ButzEarl L. Butz, who orchestrated a major change in federal farm policy as secretary of agriculture during the 1970s but came to be remembered more for a vulgar racial comment that brought about his resignation during the 1976 presidential election race, died Saturday in Washington. Nixon plucked Butz out of Purdues agriculture department and planted him in the USDA in 1971. The only newsroom focused on exploring solutions at the intersection of climate and justice. http://millercenter.org/president/monroe/essays/biography/8. In the 1974 incident, the Times reported, Butz, using a mock Italian dialect, criticized on Pope Paul VIs opposition to using artificial birth control as a solution to world food problems. In the 1976 incident, the Times said, Butz made a remark in which he described blacks as coloreds who wanted only three things satisfying sex, loose shoes and a warm bathroom desires that Mr. Butz listed in obscene and scatological terms.. But Jimmy Carter repeatedly says that one of his first acts as President would be to replace Butz, and Carter's first big boost came in the January caucuses in Iowa. These policy shifts coincided with the rise of major agribusiness corporations, and the declining financial stability of the small family farm. 0000049217 00000 n "[11] Through a spokesman, he stated that media outlets had taken this portion of his statement out of their original context, which was that of retelling a joke. [2] He attended a one-room country school through eighth grade and graduated from high school in a class of seven. 0000061181 00000 n 0000055062 00000 n First published in 2009. Butzs great policy change had given rise to the deepest rural crisis since the Depression. So do other prosperous farmers and the agribusiness complex of corporate fruit and vegetable raisers, food processors and distributors. But if youd like to know precisely what those two jokes were, youre out of luck. He left both of the aforementioned posts in 1957, when he became the Dean of Agriculture at his alma mater, Purdue University. 0000049595 00000 n The biggest single sale of wheat by the Government in history60 million bushelsoccurred on Aug. 31, 1972, to Continental Grain Company, one of the firms deal. The greatest source of unhappiness to Butz is the high percentage of the Agriculture Department taken up by food stamps school lunches, and other trition and social programs. how much corn is grown with this fertilizer? For a few years, those actions seemed like a good business decision. He was Secretary of Agriculture from 1971 to 1976 under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. 0000068573 00000 n Nevertheless, there has been, as Butz asserts, something of a revolution in American agriculture during his tenure. 0000044154 00000 n Moreover, the department paid hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies on the sales, enabling the companies to make additional profits and to keep the price to the Russians unrealistically low. The successes and failures of each installation of land and agricultural policy emphasize the understated influence each wave of policy has extended over American welfare. Instagram, Follow us on 0000070684 00000 n But New Times magazine enterprisingly sleuthed out Butz's identity by checking the itineraries of all Cabinet members. 5In 1832, under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court promoted tribal sovereignty, which recognized Native American tribes as domestic dependent nations. The court asserted in Worcester v. Georgia, Indian Nations had always been considered as distinct, independent political communities, retaining their original and natural rights, as the undisputed possessors of the soil. 6The Marshall Courts opinions were overlooked in nearly all forms of territorial expansion (most notably by the Jackson Administrations Trail of Tears), including future land policy such as Lincolns Homestead Act of 1862 that continued to promote the growth of agriculture. Butz's bill was promptly ignored by Congress, which is now drafting a more thorough reform measure. A partial bibliography of sources is here. His policies favored large-scale corporate farming and an end to New Deal programs. The policy sometimes paid farmers to not grow food in order to keep agricultural prices high and allow small farms to survive. Earl Butz Oral History Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum 3 Butz: Oh, Nixon was warm and personal when you got to know him. The "Great Grain Robbery" was not really a robbery, but it was a major turning point in the history of agricultural monitoring.. Second, Butz was an advocate of modernizing the farm; to many, this really meant doing away with the family farm and promoting bigness in agriculture. Food and food production is no exception as now only 2% of Americans are farmers and most live in urban spaces where they have limited access to food in it's natural form. It took a while to convert President Ford and Butz's remarks about that are revealing of the manner of this man who has become the nation's top agriculture policy maker: I told the President that a year ago we had the whole Midwest in the palm of our hand and we piddled it away with interference with grain exports. The outrage over Butzs joke was, of course, entirely appropriate. While controversial, President Richard Nixons 1973 farm bill lessened acute hunger and malnutrition. 0000052718 00000 n Twitter, Follow us on But he endured personal humiliation along the way. What policy did Earl Butz promote in 1973? In order to plant fence row to fence row, farmers tore out shelter belts and other conservation land uses. In Omaha, President Ford campaigned with Butz at his side and told a farm audience: I'd hate to see a good team broken up in the middle of the game. Paul Johnson, a livestockassociation official, said later that he wasn't sure whether to support Ford or Reagan, but keeping Ford so we can keep Earl Butz might make mind., The President says he respects Butz's ability to influence the farm vote and he agrees philosophically with the Secretary's freemarket views. 0000058194 00000 n [3], The Associated Press sent the uncensored quotation over the wire, but the Columbia Journalism Review identified only two city newspapersthe Toledo Blade (Toledo, Ohio) and the Madison Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin)that published the remark unchanged. (For a blunt account of the farm-crisis period, see Osha Gray Davidsons 1996 classic Broken Heartland: The Rise of Americas Rural Ghetto.). 93-86, also known as the 1973 U.S. Farm Bill) was the 4-year farm bill that adopted target prices and deficiency payments as a tool that would support farm income but reduce forfeitures to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) of surplus stocks. But, if you hit the button that adjusts prices for inflation, there is was a huge spike in corn prices after the Russian grain purchase. A Des Moines Register poll indicated last year that less than half of Iowa farmers thought Butz was doing a good job, and some farm leaders regard Iowa as a bellwether. Watch Environmental Catastrophe on PBS. 0000048818 00000 n . They werent a secret at the time of Butzs firing; Time magazine reported them, albeit with some dashes substituting for letters in the dirtiest words, in full. Under the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Roosevelt passed the inaugural farm bill, which subsidized farmers to limit their production. 0000051337 00000 n This taste for combat played a part in both his nomination in 1971 by Richard Nixon and the subsequent battle in the Senate over his confirmation. 0000071573 00000 n . The dust bowl was a fresh memory. in agriculture (1932) and a Ph. Keep up with history and join our newsletter. Earl Butz has devoted more than 20 years of his life in public and academic service: as an Assistant Secretary in the Eisenhower administration; as a professor and then a dean at one of the most distinguished universities . He surely loved the way the biofuel boom has farmers worldwide scrambling to plant corn and soy and drench the earth with agrichemicals. 18. He was also fined $10,000 and ordered to pay $61,183 in civil penalties. The changes implemented since the eighteenth century exemplify the need to reform policy in accordance with domestic and international circumstances. [20], Butz returned to West Lafayette, Indiana, and was named dean emeritus of Purdue's School of Agriculture. Butz and . He was 98. Butz, who lived in West Lafayette, Ind., was 98. From February 1993. He died still holding an emeritus position at Purdue. In 1948, Butz became vice president of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and three years later was named to the same post at the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. The problem was that most of the countrys grain production was in areas subject to severe winters and droughts. All but 30 days of the term were suspended. ammonia grow corn faster 4x as much tractors made the farmers work easier and let them farm more land. To improve westward migration, President James Monroe passed the Land Act of 1820, lowering the price of land per acre, which facilitated the settlement of 3.5 million acres. At height of the so-called Green Revolution and firmly in the Cold War mindset, he was referring to the American policy of fighting famine worldwide to defend against political unrest and the spread of communism. Ulrike Butz. 2027, 36 L.Ed.2d 912 (1973). American land policy began in the wake of the Revolutionary War, designed to bolster agricultural production to support the expanding nation. It reduces the need to rely on other countries for corn production. [citation needed], For example, he abolished a program that paid corn farmers to not plant all their land. A reflection on the lasting legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz Industrial agriculture lost one of its greatest champions last week: Earl "Rusty" Butz, secretary of the USDA under. Anyone can read what you share. He was featured in the documentary King Corn, recognized as the person who started the rise of corn production, large commercial farms, and the abundance of corn in American diets. I was a stubborn cuss, and I made some mistakes. 1973 Farm Bill - Agricultural and Consumer Protection Act [As Amended Through P.L. Today Earl Butz would be 113 years old. What readers find is that Ford did not want to fire Butz but was left with no choice. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. Ronald Reagan notes his continued popularity arming many farmers and frequently praises him in his Midwest campaign speeches. His technique, Foreman says, is to pose as friend of the farmer and try to pit him against consumers. Butz resigned within days, saying that "the use of a bad racial commentary in no way reflects my real attitude." Earl Lauer Butz was born on a farm near Albion, Ind., on July 3, 1909, and grew up guiding horse-drawn plows. Meanwhile, interest rates had spiked, making all of those loans farmers had taken out in the 70s into a paralyzing burden. Heather H. (October 23, 1973). 0000053719 00000 n Reader support helps sustain our work. 0000041058 00000 n He replaced Palmby with Carroll Brunthaver, a former official of Cook Industries, another leading grain firm. Livestock producers, however, were caught in price squeeze as feed prices jumped. You Are What You Grow.. He went on a speaking tour and encouraged farmers to plant fence row to fence row to meet global demand. In 1970, the Government was paying farmers $3.7 billion in subsidies, mostly as an incentive not to plant. <]>> 25 The rise of factory farms that grew specialized crops subsidized by the government presented environmental troubles as well. "Get big or get out," Butz told farmers in 1973, and boy, did they. Assuming the readers interpretation is correct, Butzs pope jibe was at the very least a much nastier and more personal insult than I realized.]. 0000045340 00000 n Current agricultural policy has proved this as well, as America can no longer sustain the health and environmental implications of subsidy fueled factory farms. naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/CAT87210025/PDF, Bittman, Mark, Dont End Agricultural Subsidies, Fix Them., United States v. Butler. Legal Information Institute. 0000060715 00000 n http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/bdsdcc:@field(DOCID+@lit(bdsdcc, Dimitri, Carolyn, Anne Effland, and Neilson Conklin. The Butz farm policy is one that involves risk. 14. Attacks on chemical additives nitrates in bacon and diethylstilbestrol in cattle feedare the work of phony consumerists. Environmentalists who criticize pesticides and fertilizers and urge a return to organic farming would condemn hundreds of millions of people to a lingering death by malnutrition and starvation. State Department officials who meddle in agricultural policy are stripedpants boys. And Congressmen who say food prices are too high are demagogues. The first goal of every newly elected Congressman is to become a Senator. It was a crude joke that turned Butz into a household word and punch line on Johnny Carson's ``Tonight'' show. 9As prices of agricultural commodities soared, farmers maximized production to increase their profits. Adapt or die, resist and perish, Butz had advised farmers in the 1950's when he was Benson's assistant, and the statement came back to haunt him. After forty years of regulating production to balance demand, domestic and international circumstances compelled President Richard Nixon to rethink agricultural policy. [citation needed]. 24 Since subsidized crops are less expensive, and therefore more sought after, farmers who grew subsidized crops saw the most success, while those who did not fell behind. 0000062543 00000 n 0000058450 00000 n This became evident during the Great Depression through the need to move away from expansion policy, and later in the 1970s when Nixon and Butz sought to reduce food prices. On the one hand, the high production can lead to big surpluses and big drops in farm prices. 4, Land policy that targeted territorial expansion built an American agriculture empire, but at the expense of Native American populations. 0000043800 00000 n 0000063406 00000 n It also undermines my claim that Butzs remark was not anti-Catholic. Understanding why and how agricultural policy has changed over time contextualizes the shift from farming communities to factory farms, environmental crises, Americas role in international grain trade, and how food travels from farm to table. But Butz did forcefully equate the interests of agribusiness with the national interest. But domestic consumption was only 11 million tons greater; so the rest must be disposed of abroad. . Congressional investigators established that, in the massive 1972 grain sales to Russia, the Agriculture Department did not inform farmers about the pending sales and permitted the few large grain exporters handling the sales secretly to buy up huge supplies in the commodity markets at favorable prices. Earl Butz and the U.S. As their desperation grew, farmers failed to practice sustainable farming methods, which exasperated the Dust Bowl. in Agriculture in 1932 with a major in animal husbandry. Design and build by Upstatement. Earl Butz, 2006. S]?r@ The Dustbowl that ensued temporarily eradicated farming from Americas most fertile lands, threatening the countrys ability to provide. Stripedpants boys farmers maximized production to balance demand, domestic and international circumstances: was surprising! Days of the term were suspended a spokesman for the food processors and for grocery... 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