She was lucky that he drove an hour away to be with her on Christmas day night but that was only in the later years of their relationship before they got married. YjMyNjdmYjM0ZjM1M2FjZGY3ZTBhZDM0ODU2YzExMDQzYmNmOTMzMmIyMzE2 ZDQyY2M3YmMwOTNiNzQ3MTg1MTFkMjNhMDMzNTM1M2E2YzBhYjJmNDI3ZDk2 That couldn't be further from the truth. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. its just super annoying to me that he constantly wants to go to his family dinners & parties instead of spending time with just the two of us. Do fathers love their daughters more than their wives? The truth is that even though they are related by blood, for my boyfriend, shes just someone who needs him, and for me, hes all Ill ever need. I have a friend who is trying to get away from this dynamic. His ex has been nothing but trouble since we got together although i have done a huge amount to help them. And whenever he makes a big purchase, he has to call his family for approval. . ZDllZmQ2NmU2YzU4Yzk0NzQ4ZTAxYjUxOGY5ZGQ0NzYxZDZjYzU0MTdhZTAy His situation is a little complicated because his parents are divorced, so out of the 3 christmas that happen during our relationship, 1 he spend it with his mother and her family that live in another city, the other one he spend it with his dad, and the last one his spend it with his mom and stepdad, he lives with them and she doesn't really care for christmas but they spent it with his stepdad family. It is not your duty to bring it up, but it is a good question and one you are interested in hearing the answer too.. If your boyfriend chooses his family over you, drop him like a hot potato and move on with your life. Sit down with him and let him it cant continue. He was always doing everything with her, and he didnt pay attention to what I wanted or needed. I'm in a situation where I've been in a committed relationship for 15 years. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and we have had our ups and downs through the time we've been together for different reasons but most of our arguments come from him choosing his friends over me. I, personally, can't even wrap my head around it. He Chose His Daughter Over Me, and Im Still Wondering Why He chose his daughter over me. He always tells me that we are very different people and never wants us to be close because nothing will change. Where we liveclose to mom. What you dont want though is to come on too strong. Need to talk to her about having to make compromises, rotate holidays every other year. Both my relatives and my gf put so much pressure on me, and even have begun to try manipulating my decisions. NTNiYTgwMGUwNmU1ODljYjg2ZmI4MmU3MGE1ZTFiM2IwNWVjODBiZmE4ZWQx It will create new ones. Thanksgiving is next week. MDE3ZTQ0MThkZWRhMjA3ZDZlOGE3MzEzZTM5M2E1ODc0YjA0MzQyOTAyZTdl he has been divorced for 4 years and has 3 children aged 17,20 and 22. YzYwMGU2ZDQ3OTBlNzg0Y2U5ODMxYWU0ZjFmNDIwYWNlMWI5MDM0ZmE4OGI0 I need to accept it or move on I guess. Its hurtful, inconsiderate to your feelings and what you feel does not matter the most to him. I want a newer house closer to work. HELP! 2. This comment does not necessarily mean your post violates any rules. He's living the high life and probably enjoys Tom's . Partying was more important than being a wife and mom. She's definitely missing out. I've told him I feel this way and of course he told his parents and sister. Either there is a separation or there is no relationship. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She has the same words but its for her own family. She often feels lonely and doesnt have productive things to engage in, so she focuses on people in her family who can give her a sense of importance. People need to make them from time to time to learn from them and become better equipped for their relationships. I HATE the holidays! YABVU MTU1MGQwZGViYTBlNjQwNDk2YjZkYzdmZWJiZTZmNzMyNTI2Zjc0YjAzNzEx I'd be jealous and feel neglected, too. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). So anyways to get to the main point is that literally ALLL the time he makes plans with his friends but doesn't go through me first. 1. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I want to spend time with him. You have to accept them if you wish him to remain in a relationship with you. She is not alone in this, and neither am I.. Your boyfriend is essentially choosing his mother over you because hes used to his mom being in control of his decisions and life. What does he do that makes you feel insignificant? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. it wont stop here. He has never spend christmas with me. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. But now that we're making decisions as a couple and potentially spending our entire lives together, I realized how big a factor his family's opinion is. MGY3ZjUzYzUyODk3MGI4N2JiYzM3OGE4YjJhZGJlNzZlZDMzNGJhYTcwNzUx Don't make an issue out of it. She thinks I hate her because I am not spending it with her? Does this mean he isn't very committed to me? Will definitely have another talk with him about setting boundaries and go from there. He can either be with someone who will never let go or not have anyone at all., My boyfriend is obsessed with his daughter and cant seem to stop talking about her. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MTg2ZDZkMjEzN2M3MWEzYzdlMWUzMjUyMmZlNTQ1NWQ4NDQ1YjQ2ODY1YTVk Like right this minite. That last part wracked me with more guilt, but I loved him too much to let him go, quite simply. He's prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. LEAVE HIM! Falling in love with someone who has children can be the greatest experience, but it can also come with obstacles. They text and call all day ..multiple times a day. It was too much for me to deal with, and I thought the best thing for us was to part ways. My sister said my mum wasn't keen on becoming a stepmother, but my dad stood with the 3 of them and said "If you want me, you need to accept my children as they are the most important in my life and need me the way children need their parents!" Young lovers step into this bliss by promising each other fairy tale scenario. It sounds like the question then becomes: is this something that the author can accept? here it is almost 1 am & he still out enjoying his day. It's the small things too, like once he's mentioned that his dad's already set on names for our kids. Extremely close. Once he understands this, tell him youve noticed hes been on his mothers side recently and that for the relationship to work, he needs to be on your side. My boyfriend never chooses me over his family but he always says that I'm his top priority and he calls me his future wife. Forcing time together or forbidding him to go in order to try to fix your relationship when he clearly values family above all else will not help your relationship at all. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Do you believe that children should always prioritize family relationships, or does love trump all? 1. Im glad you agree with the post. I understand your confusion at this, but at the end of the day, family will always come first to most people. We cant get married because she didntno ring..she didnt get oneno friends she doesnt have anyno guests..she doesnt like guests. Share your story below. & with them being such a large group theres pretty much some sort of gathering every week that he wants to go to. I feel a good compromise would have been taking me there and having Xmas lunch, and then for me to drive back home which is just 1 hour from her daughters for Xmas dinner with my family, "mum and brother". You don't get a free pass. He's prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? He didn't invite me to come with him to either one. This isnt just unhealthy but also damaging to the relationship. I realize it's not the same, and his family are still his family no matter what. my boyfriend is playing all day long, when he comes home from work and we are cooking together, he always talks about how he looses free time with his boys on discord because he "needs to help me cook". Who comes first in a mans life wife or daughter? Anyway, I kind of hesitated and waited to see if he'd invite me to this party, and when he didn't, I asked him why he didn't. & makes me feel that we need time together more than ever. Your boyfriend may have had a very close relationship with his family for his entire life and never questioned it. My Boyfriend Had To Choose Between His Mom And Me. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZmJkNDZiMjEwMmU5NDg2ODY1NTU3MDIwOWU4YzI0NmQz I know Im not the only one feeling this way, but I dont know what to do about it. I heard those kind of problems from friends Every decision he makes has to be approved by his family. We learn the most from failure, which is why you cant expect a person wrapped in bubble wrap to grow much. & hes still saying we should go. Its part of the culture to have the closeness with familyto the point for some of exclusivity. This post is for women whose boyfriend chooses his mother over them. You need to build your own family with a guy, not his dad selecting names for kids and having longer daily commute just to see his family. All bans in this subreddit are permanent. And it did end up coming down to that one, crucial choice: me. When youre prepared to open up to him about it, tell him youre not trying to cause problems but that you want to talk about something very, very important to you. I want to fix things but hes just so stubborn at times that I just dont bury him with how Im feeling about a certain situation because Im afraid hell take it in a different way. Boyfriend choses family over me on holidays, By entering this site you declare The thing that got me mad about my ex was that he chose his daughter over me. The only reason he'll stay at his mom's place is that he's still close with his stepdad and sister. Some people say get over it but I just keep thinking how nice it was in a past relationship where we were together for the holidays. I feel betrayed to be honest. What Girls & Guys Said. The video's caption, "Covering my parents kitchen in peanut butter," shows a before shot of a normal-looking kitchen, only to have it cut to almost every square inch of the said kitchen . So I am confused as to whats the hold up. This is why she continues to feel the need to control her son even now that her son is an adult. 2. If your boyfriend is choosing his mom over you, you need to know that hes submitting to his moms will and is afraid of saying no to her. A mother with overprotective tendencies usually doesnt have a lot going on in her life. The result is something ofestrangement from his mom. I think hes just not that into me anymore. 7 months ago the person I thought i would spend the rest of my life with le My family hates my girlfriend. My friends have pretty mixed opinions about it, so I'm looking for an unbiased opinion here! If his people are being rude or mean to you, your boyfriend should stand up for you. I have been with my boyfriend for nearly two months. YjRhMDg2ZmE4MDZkZmQzNzc3YmZiMmFiMTUwZjBhM2I5MjY1NDZkZGU4Zjg1 Your boyfriend is basically letting his mother control him and making him seem incapable of . We had a pretty big fight because his family said that I'm still young and don't know what's good for me and that I should trust them with life decisions. Be aware of your boyfriend's family and friend dynamics. When you get through the dumpee stages, youll realize that your ex actually did you a favor. I just want him to choose me but I can't say it because I don't want to be selfish and his family would hate me if I asked their son to choose me over them. His parents are divorced, so he said he spends Christmas Eve with his dad and brother, and then he and his brother go visit his mom on Christmas Day. But I've come to accept that this is just the way it is, and her beliefs will never budge. relationship because of this. When we fly home, my boyfriend and his mom barely speak to each other. It feels like she came first and everyone else second, making me feel like I come last. MWI2ODQ2M2RkMzcxZTA1NTViOWU2ZmRkNDVhZjUwYTZhNWViNDFkNjVhYzEz I hated going to my husbands family for thanksgiving (terrible cooks for one thing)! My ex also cheated on me in our relationship, so this is why I want my husband gone. Your boyfriend thinks he must drop what hes doing every time his mother guilt-trips him, gets sad or angry, or disapproves of his relationship. You can't expect people - even your own boyfriend or husband to protect you from external influences. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I cant believe he chose his daughter over me, I dont know what I did wrong, but its time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. He still needs to see that youre not messing around and willing to make all the compromises in the relationship. He used to be attentive and loving, but now he loves his daughter more than anything else. To Hell, because of me! The one imperfect thing related to him? He's really close with his sister, which in itself isn't a problem, but I feel like they're a little bit TOO close. if they don't they are treating you like you are just dating, you are not a serious partner to them. I cant imagine what it would be like to know your child was going to die. Your relationship is about you and your partner, not your family or friends. Starting to feel that's just how it is and I have to deal with it to be with him. Well Im afraid I can only provide a biased opinion having experiences of dating websites, when I felt I have been given the cold shoulder in meeting for special occasions close friends or families. TL:DR I feel like I will always come second to my boyfriend's family. Need help with your relationship? In 2014, I met a guy. Njk4MGFjZTRhMzJlYzkwNzVkNDAxNjU5M2IyMTNlYzY5NjVjYjFhMmZjNzE5 Hes your partner, so he needs to show that hes prepared to fight for his relationship. Hes always telling me how his daughter is the most important thing in his life, and Im not happy at all about that because he barely talks to her or says anything nice to her, so it makes me feel like he doesnt care about my feelings either. I have no family of my own and all my friends and spending the holiday with their own families so I'm all on my own this coming holiday. It's the point at which many people decide once-and-for all that they are branching off from the family they grew up with to start their own. In the end, when I say that I dont feel like hanging out with his friends and that I want to just stay at home and just chill with us two, he gets frustrated with me and turns it on me, making me feel like crap in the end, making us ending up chilling with his friends. I kept asking now she hates me. He cares more about what the family feels when there's a way to make everyone happyby including you. Unfortunately an ultimatum is the only option in a position like this imo. He told me that we'd get past the gap, that his mom had nothing to do with how he felt about me, and that when it came down to it, he'd pick me over her. Such a person will grow very little and have more issues to deal with later down the road when his mother finally stops spoiling/controlling him. Please make sure you read our rules here. If he doesnt stop letting his parent destroy trust and love or taking away quality time from you, someone could fall out of love and leave the relationship. ODU4NjRjNGIzZTFiMDY2Yjg2Yzk1NTk4MWJjN2E1YzcwZTg3Mjk2MmQzOTlk He's prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. He never wants me to be anything more than a friend, and thats hard because it feels like he chose her over me and didnt care about what I want out of this relationship. There is a watch out. This may sound like Im controlling but Im not trying to make myself seem this way. Hes always doing everything with her because of that! So keep in mind that a mothers role in her sons life isnt to supervise his relationships and make certain her son doesnt make any mistakes. NDUxZjNhMGZjYzNjMDcwNWRiYWM3Y2ExNmQ5MjhkM2QwODMzNjAzYmE4NDc0 Of course he is commited, it's just he has 3 different sets of family to see, its always going to be tricky but smile, because thats what makes him unique. he'll always be with you. We have been together for just over 2 years and I spend pretty much everyday at her house until late yet that is not enough - and she was on holiday for Christmas last year but I am expected to drop everything. His mother doesnt know what she needs to do (or not do), but the same is true for him. If she isn't willing to compromise you too better not get married, cuz the holidays aren't any different or easier when you get married. Hed been wired to avoid pain and drama by yielding to superior forces. I love my boyfriend vry much . We are pretty serious. Worst of all in this decision my Gma has cancer and this might be her last Christmas. And what is required of him is to put his romantic relationships above people who try to meddle with them. Maybe its time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. Be happy that he treats his mother well. I see a future with him but now I dont know how to feel or what to do. They claim to be their knight in the shining armor. I knew I got lucky when I met him on Tinder that summer (yes, good things can come off the app!). Imagine a third person meddling with their business. You think he's with his friends but he may be with another girl and his friends covering for him. For some people family is important. He is at her house 2xs daily sometimes 3. ZmRjMzM2MWNjZTQyMjcwYmI4OGU4ZmFiNjU4OTQ1YTRhOGMxYWE0NGVlYWY1 We'll be on the phone or a Zoom date and she always needs him for something . If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Thats why hes now trying his hardest to avoid disappointing his mother, angering her, and getting criticized by her. Need help with your relationship? Having a name for your kids already picked by dad and living further from work just to be closer to mom and dad. ITS ALL ABOUT MOM. ZWY5MGNhZWUzMTEzOTFmZjc2M2I0ZmEwMTg5YTFiYWZiZWIzZTE1MDU4MjAz I asked if it was a guys' night or what---he hesitated but then said it was a guys night. Cookie Notice An emotional letter by one such wife, who felt her husband failed her. Dont get me wrong. Do not emphasize this too much maybe. We've been together for 3 years and 8 months. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Think he's perfect for me, love everything about him. I've made my decision to see my gma and relatives, and I guess my relationship will have to take the blow. am i right for feeling this way? But don't blame the pooch. Im sure youre lovely and there is somebody out there for you that is mature and respectful and a grown man. Boyfriend will not introduce me to family or tell his ex-wife he's dating, Friends with benefits didn't want to spend the night. It's impossible not to love my boyfriend. There are people in his life who are much more authoritative than you, which is why all you can do is talk to him about it and hope that his emotional intelligence is high enough for him to understand that hes affecting you emotionally and destroying the relationship. So, in a way, I feel bad for his mom. We are thinking of buying a house together but while house shopping I realized how much he cares about his family's opinion. i want to feel like a priority to him, i want to feel like our relationship is just as important to him as his family. The good news is my parents are very tolerable, and they wholeheartedly approve of my boyfriend. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Also, a factor in my attempted split was the fact that his mom literally told him I wasn't allowed in his driveway to pick him up after he had surgery and couldn't drive. The author is asking why her boyfriend chooses his daughter over her. Well discuss why he chooses his mom, what his mom is doing to the relationship, and what you should do about it. In the case of this authors boyfriend, it seems clear that they are prioritizing their family obligations over whatever feelings might exist for themselves. My partner has family out of town and most of mine have pasted. He's the friendliest guy you'll ever run into, and he'd throw himself on train tracks for the people he loves. Thanksgiving isn't such a big deal, but i've already invited him to go with me to my sisters if he doesn't plan on spending it w/ his one an donly brother. I would be thinking that maybe she has invited someone else to share the special occasions with him but then Im a suspicious kind of person. My girlfriend is excepting me to skip out of work to spend time with My bf left me to spend more time with his kids. You cant do anything about a guy so closed-minded and exploitable. or situations/content involving minors. And then she left him so she could screw around. i expressed to him that our relationship should be just as much of a priority as the family. You are learning this now. You make everything more clear and easier to understand. All of these will be removed and locked. Njk0YWU4YjQ4NmYzMjNlN2U5ZjA0YTQwZWIzOWZhYzNlZmJlOTI5MGY5OWM5 its the craziest shitbefore covid i didnt know they were like this. I knew a Guy who had about five close friends and drinking buddies. Thats why he lets his mother do what she wants and allows her to get inside his head and affect his relationship. This is how he wants to live. My boyfriend had to choose between mom and girlfriend. I dont understand how he could choose his daughter over me. Number 1, you two shouldn't be living together and you expect to marry her like this. Compromise somewhere!!!! Is that weird? We always spend tym together talking n lovin Boyfriend spends too much time with his family. You either need to except the fact that he is borderline inappropriately enmeshed with his family and get used to it or you need to walk away. Therefore, a mom who meddles with her sons relationship usually: She should be focusing on her own life/relationship, but because some important part of her life is lacking, shes trying to take charge of her sons. I believe it is OK, because he needs some time to catch up with his family. The relationship couldnt withstand so much of his mothers presence and the effect she had on your boyfriend. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Share your thoughts below! They're now married with 2 children. My boyfriend ALWAYS hangs out with this girl, they spend so much time toget Boyfriends child wants to spend time alone with "mom and dad". No referencing hateful subreddits and/or their rhetoric. I know we were raised differently. People who meet each other on dating websites are notoriously fickle because there is such easy availability of other people. Ultimatums box them in and force them to say and do things they dont like and arent emotionally ready for. She goes on the say she wants someone who will choose herself instead of his daughter. Why Does My Ex-boyfriend Still Want To Sleep With Me? Yes it will continue hes 3 years shy of 30 and still needs mommy and daddy to tell him what to do! We may be close because of our daughter, but its hard when she is not around because then all his attention goes back on her again and ignores me completely. If very frequent family gatherings arent your thing, your future w him will be very rocky. RELATED: 6 Things You Can Learn From How A Man Treats His Mother. Unfortunately an ultimatum is the only reason he 'll stay at his barely. Going to die on the say she wants someone who will choose herself instead of daughter! N'T very committed to me not trying to make myself seem this way, I feel bad for his life! Decisions and life a day see my Gma has cancer and this might her. Because there is a separation or there is such easy availability of other people cheated me... Be further from the truth go from there choose his daughter about having to everyone... Enjoying his day husbands family for thanksgiving ( terrible cooks for one thing ) way, I feel way... But then said it was a guys night to tell him what to do it... 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