She managed to not only compete but to come a very creditable 5th on boardPacha Du Polder in that event! Energumenes jockey Paul Townend is not going to let Editeur du Gite get a freebie making the running up front and may end up being set alight too early. He rose to the rank of Commandant, Officer Commanding (OC) in the First Battalion, Cork Number 2 Brigade. Everytips racing team also supply our tips for each race today. Mick Fitzgerald: THE SHUNTER is going for the 100,000 bonus after winning at Kelso and following up at the Festival. Racing greats Ruby Walsh and Mick Fitzgerald have made their selections for the opening day and here is their verdict on the big races. Horse Racing Tips / Warwick 14:05 Love Envoi 15:40 Kempton Hansard. Horse Racing tips: Mick Fitzgeralds Bullish on Shishkin in his Saturday selections for ITV Racing. Horse Racing Tips / Horse Racing Tips / 5 hours ago, Matt Chapman / The social sharing buttons have been hidden due to cookie preferences. Cheltenham Festival / She is a very decent each-way play in at trappy handicap. He has been put up 10lb in the weights but I thought he was probably value for more in a race that was run in a decent time. Hes a course and distance winner and has some very good runs to his name at this track. PP Staff / 14:05 Ascot Broomfield Bug Best Online Bookmaker Sign Up Offers, .fl-builder-content *,.fl-builder-content *:before,.fl-builder-content *:after {-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;box-sizing: border-box;}.fl-row:before,.fl-row:after,.fl-row-content:before,.fl-row-content:after,.fl-col-group:before,.fl-col-group:after,.fl-col:before,.fl-col:after,.fl-module:before,.fl-module:after,.fl-module-content:before,.fl-module-content:after {display: table;content: " ";}.fl-row:after,.fl-row-content:after,.fl-col-group:after,.fl-col:after,.fl-module:after,.fl-module-content:after {clear: both;}.fl-clear {clear: both;}.fl-clearfix:before,.fl-clearfix:after {display: table;content: " ";}.fl-clearfix:after {clear: both;}.sr-only {position: absolute;width: 1px;height: 1px;padding: 0;overflow: hidden;clip: rect(0,0,0,0);white-space: nowrap;border: 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Horse racing. Newbury 15:35 Monviel & Glory and Fortune (each-way), Timeform / Mick Fitzgerald: A small but select field and at the prices Ill go for BALLYADAM each-way to get close to Appreciate It. The handicapper is guessing with his mark because we just dont know how good he is. The one I like is STORM ARISING. p. winners / horses. 5 hours ago, By Mick Fitzgerald / He showed a real return to form when winning a nice handicap at the Paddy Power meeting at Cheltenham last November and also won the Pertemps qualifier at Warwick. Hes 5lb higher this year than when winning last year. Click here for all todays greyhound racing tips! It was a very good run at Chepstow behind another opponent Fugitiv last time and he is now 12lbs better off for a 12 length beating that day. With that in mind, MOUNT IDA looks to tick all the boxes. Payment method restrictions apply. Also an amateur jockey and the daughter of one of the best horse trainers in the UK, Luca Cumani, she definitely knows her horse racing! Newbury 13:50 Annual Invictus 14:40 Ascot Diego du Charmil [each-way] Phoenix Way ran a good race at Cheltenham last time. 15:40 Dont let the boyish looks of Oli Bell deceive you. Please note all odds quoted were correct at time of publication. Anybody that knows me knows my association with the Nicky Henderson team and having seen Shishkin jump on Thursday, I am willing to stick with him. Cap Du Nord is a worthy favourite and he won this time last year when winning at Kempton. 12 hours ago, PP Staff / It was an amazing performance and he looked like he retains all of his ability after a good win at Kempton on Boxing Day. Doncaster 14.05 EPATANTE Free Bets are paid as Bet Credits and are available for use upon settlement of bets to value of qualifying deposit. El Fabiolo threw down a marker last weekend though so theres no room for error. 4 months ago. Cheltenham faces a 7.30am inspection but Micky Fitz is locked and loaded for ITV Racing from there and Doncaster. He beat SAINT CALVADOS, but Harry Whittingtons gelding is the value in this contest. He enjoyed it that day as he did when winning the Holden Gold Cup first time out last season and is no back number. Timeform / Ascot 15:00 Homme Public (each way) Minimum 3 bets at odds of Evens (2.0) +.If your account is up, you're guaranteed a 5 Free Bet Plus 10 Free Spins. Mick Fitzgerald is a retired Irish National Hunt jockey and current television racing presenter. He is a horse racing ambassador for Paddy Power and contributes weekly columns to PP News. Bard Of Brittany (white cap) won the Paddy Power '4 Sleeps To Cheltenham' Handicap Hurdle at Sandown on March 12, 2021, Malaya (noseband) won the 2019 Imperial Cup at Sandown Park, Lieutenant Rocco becomes third favourite with punters ruled out of Cheltenham Festival, Cheltenham Festival 2021 tips: 6 dark horses to follow and best bets from the outsiders. Ben Pauling has made a really good start to the new jumps season and this son of Caliphate is owned by the Megsons. The former Stayers Hurdler hero Paisley Park whipped around at the start here last year and gave the field a 15 length lead but still managed to win! free spins valid for 30 days / x40 pt for free spins /. 5 days ago, By Mick Fitzgerald / WebGet the latest news from the world of Horseracing. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. He is a horse racing ambassador for Paddy It's the Betfair Hurdle on Saturday and Mick Fitz has his best picks for the tellybox action on 1 Stake. Horse Racing Tips / For customers in the UK, PPB Counterparty Services Ltd is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission, Horse Racing tips: Mick Fitzgeralds best Saturday bets for Ascot & Wetherby, This is his second run after a wind operation and he didnt have the smoothest of runs at Chepstow last time. stake contribution to wagering requirement is the value of your bonus; Terms apply; 18+,, #Ad - QuinnBet will refund 50% of your first days losses as a Free Bet up to 35 Plus 10 Free Spins on Reel Diamonds. She won when Venetia Williams horses were not performing well so Im hoping that bodes well as Venetias horses are in much better shape now. Rubaud has very good form but had a hard race in the Betfair Hurdle at Newbury last time. Next Liverpool Manager odds: Who could replace Jurgen Klopp at Anfield? he is reasonably well handicapped but they have enlisted the services of 7lb claimer Jordan Gainford to help his chances. 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